2 Databases and brokers
1. MySQL : prometheus
- MySQL down
- MySQL too many connections (> 80%)
- MySQL high threads running
- MySQL Slave IO thread not running
- MySQL Slave SQL thread not running
- MySQL Slave replication lag
- MySQL slow queries
- MySQL InnoDB log waits
- MySQL restarted
2. PostgreSQL
- PostgreSQL down
- Postgresql restarted
- Postgresql exporter error
- Replication lag
- Table not vaccumed
- Table not analyzed
- Too many connections
- Not enough connections
- Dead locks
- High rollback rate
- Postgresql commit rate low
- Postgresql low XID consumption
- Postgresql high rate statement timeout
- Postgresql high rate deadlock
- Postgresql unused replication slot
- Postgresql too many dead tuples
- Postgresql split brain
- Postgresql promoted node
- Postgresql configuration changed
- Postgresql SSL compression active
- Postgresql too many locks acquired
- Slow queries
3. SQL Server
- SQL Server down
4 PGBouncer
- PGBouncer active connections
- PGBouncer errors
- PGBouncer max connections
5 Redis
- Redis down
- Redis missing master
- Redis too many masters
- Redis disconnected slaves
- Redis replication broken
- Redis cluster flapping
- Missing backup
- Redis out of system memory
- Redis out of configured maxmemory
- Too many connections
- Not enough connections
- Rejected connections
6 MongoDB
- MongoDB Down
- MongoDB replication lag
- MongoDB replication headroom
- MongoDB number cursors open
- MongoDB cursors timeouts
- MongoDB too many connections
- MongoDB virtual memory usage
- Mongodb replication lag is more than 10s
- MongoDB replication Status 3
- MongoDB replication Status 6
- MongoDB replication Status 8
- MongoDB replication Status 9
- MongoDB replication Status 10
- MongoDB number cursors open
- MongoDB cursors timeouts
- MongoDB too many connections
- MongoDB virtual memory usage
7 RabbitMQ
- Rabbitmq node down
- Rabbitmq node not distributed
- Rabbitmq instances different versions
- Rabbitmq memory high
- Rabbitmq file descriptors usage
- Rabbitmq too many unack messages
- Rabbitmq too many connections
- Rabbitmq no queue consumer
- Rabbitmq unroutable messages
- Rabbitmq node down
- Rabbitmq Cluster down
- Rabbitmq cluster partition
- Rabbitmq out of memory
- Too many connections
- Dead letter queue filling up
- Too many messages in queue
- Rabbitmq Slow queue consuming
- No consumer
- Too many consumers
- Unactive exchange
8 Elasticsearch
- Elastic Heap Usage Too High
- Elastic Heap Usage warning
- Elasticsearch disk out of space
- Elasticsearch disk space low
- Elastic Cluster Red
- Elastic Cluster Yellow
- Elasticsearch Healthy Nodes
- Number of Elastic Healthy Nodes
- Elasticsearch relocating shards
- Elasticsearch relocating shards too long
- Elasticsearch initializing shards
- Elasticsearch initializing shards too long
- Elasticsearch unassigned shards
- Elasticsearch pending tasks
- Elasticsearch no new documents
- Number of pending tasks
- Number of Elastic Healthy Data Nodes
- Cassandra Node is unavailable
- Cassandra many compaction tasks are pending
- Cassandra commitlog pending tasks
- Cassandra compaction executor blocked tasks
- Cassandra flush writer blocked tasks
- Cassandra connection timeouts total
- Cassandra storage exceptions
- Cassandra tombstone dump
- Cassandra client request unvailable write
- Cassandra client request unvailable read
- Cassandra client request write failure
- Cassandra client request read failure
- Cassandra hints count
- Cassandra compaction task pending
- Cassandra viewwrite latency
- Cassandra bad hacker
- Cassandra node down
- Cassandra commitlog pending tasks
- Cassandra compaction executor blocked tasks
- Cassandra flush writer blocked tasks
- Cassandra repair pending tasks
- Cassandra repair blocked tasks
- Cassandra connection timeouts total
- Cassandra storage exceptions
- Cassandra tombstone dump
- Cassandra client request unvailable write
- Cassandra client request unvailable read
- Cassandra client request write failure
- Cassandra client request read failure
- Cassandra cache hit rate key cache
10 Kafka
- Kafka Topics
- Kafka consumers group
- Kafka topic offset decreased
- Kafka consumer lag
11 Zookeeper
- Zookeeper Down
- Zookeeper missing leader
- Zookeeper Too Many Leaders
- Zookeeper Not Ok
12 Solr
- Solr update errors
- Solr query errors
- Solr replication errors
- Solr low live node count