
Morgan Stanly 2021


Jenkins Shared Library

  • 在pipene中定义函数
  • Jenkins 共享库

Jenkins 共享库

在多个项目之间共享流水线有助于减少冗余并保持代码。流水线支持创建 "共享库" ,可以在外部源代码控制仓库中定义并加载到现有的流水线中。

  • src目录类似于标准Java源目录结构。执行流水线时,此目录将添加到类路径中。
  • vars目录托管脚本文件,这些脚本文件在“管道”中作为变量公开。
  • resources目录允许libraryResource从外部库中使用步骤来加载相关联的非 Groovy文件。

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  • Class: bar.grooy
  • vars: foo.groovy, foo.txt
  • resource: bar.json stastic helper data for bar.groovy


标记Load的共享库隐含的允许管道立即使用任何此类库定义的类死全局变量。 要访问其他共享库, Jenkinsfile需要使用@Library注释,并指定库的名称

@Library('my-shared-library')  _
/* Using a version specifierk such as branch, tag, etc */ 

@Library('my-shared-library@<version>')  _

@Library('my-shared-library@1.0') _ 
/* Accessing multiple libraries with one statement */ 

@Library(['my-shared-library', 'otherlib@abc12341']) _ 

_: 代表引用

@Library('jenkinslib') _
def tools = new org.devops.tools()


  • 增加格式化输出方法 (ansiColor)
  • 封装工具(mvn, ant, gradle, npm) def build = new org.devops.buildtools()
  • gitlab sharedlibrary function: ( 封装HTTP请求, 更改提交状态)
  • 邮件发送模板 Email(status,emailUser)
  • 流水线进行自动化代码扫描 SonarScan(projectName, projectDesc, projectPath)
  • Nexus方法 `GetGav() //获取POM中的坐标, NexusUpload(): Nexus plugin deploy MavenUpload() mvn deploy, ArtifactUpdate(updateType,artifactUrl) //制品晋级
  • nexusapi //封装HTTP //获取仓库中所有组件 //获取单件组件 //获取组件信息
  • Gitlab
    • HttpReq(reqType,reqUrl,reqBody) //封装HTTP请求
    • UpdateRepoFile(projectId,filePath,fileContent) //更新文件内容
    • GetRepoFile(projectId,filePath) // 获取文件内容
    • CreateRepoFile(projectId,filePath,fileContent) //创建仓库文件
    • ChangeCommitStatus(projectId,commitSha,status) //更改提交状态
    • GetProjectID(repoName='',projectName) //获取项目ID
    • DeleteBranch(projectId,branchName) //删除分支
    • CreateBranch(projectId,refBranch,newBranch) //创建分支
    • CreateMr(projectId,sourceBranch,targetBranch,title,assigneeUser="") // 创建合并请求
    • SearchProjectBranches(projectId,searchKey) //搜索分支
    • AcceptMr(projectId,mergeId) //允许合并
  • Jmeter 接口测试生成报告
  • 使用 Prometheus 监控 Jenkins

Jenkins Secrets and Credential

  • 添加凭证后,需要安装"Credentials Binding Plugin"插件,就可以在pipeline中使用withCredentials 步骤使用凭证了
    • Secret text: withCredentials([string(credentialsId: 'secretText', variable: 'varName')])
    • Usernarne with password: withCredentials([usernamePassword(credentialsId: ' ', usernameVariable: ' ', passwordVariable: '')])
    • Secret file: withCredentials([file(credentialsId: ' ', variable: ' ')])
    • SSH Username with private key: withCredentials([sshUserPrivateKey( keyFileVariable:"key", credentialsId : "private-key" )])


  • Secret text: environment { AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID = credentials( 'aws-secret-key-id' ) }
  • Username with password: `environment { BITBUCKET_CREDS = credentials( 'jenkins-bitbucket-creds' ) }
  • Secret file: environment { KNOWN_HOSTS = credentials('known_hosts') }

凭证管理使用HashiCorp Vault

  • vault write -address=${VAULT_ADDR} secret/hello value=world
  • def x = vault path: 'secret/hello', key: 'value'
  • wrap([$class: 'MaskPasswordsBuildWrapper', varMaskRegexes: [[regex: 'abc--.*']] ]

Jenkins Parallelism and Distributed

parallel (
"stream 1" : { 
    node('linux') {  // runs on one of the nodes labelled as linux nodes
        build 'Job1'
"stream 2" : {
    node('named_node_foo'){  // only runs on node named_foo_node
        build 'Job2'

Nas Storage

NFS value

  • 立服务端数据目录,共享目录设置权限
  • 关闭防火墙
  • 安装配置 nfs 配置 nfsnfs 的默认配置文件在 /etc/exports 文件下,在该文件中添加下面的配置信息:
$ sudo vi /etc/exports
/data/k8s  *(rw,sync,no_root_squash)
  • /data/k8s:是共享的数据目录
  • *:表示任何人都有权限连接,当然也可以是一个网段,一个 IP,也可以是域名
  • rw:读写的权限
  • sync:表示文件同时写入硬盘和内存
  • no_root_squash当登录 NFS 主机使用共享目录的使用者是 root 时,其权限将被转换成为匿名使用者,通常它的 UIDGID,都会变成 nobody 身份

注意启动顺序,先启动 rpcbind

$ sudo vi exports
$ sudo systemctl start rpcbind.service
$ sudo systemctl enable rpcbind

然后启动 nfs 服务:

$ sudo systemctl start nfs.service
$ sudo systemctl enable nfs
$ systemctl status nfs


  • Load Balancing Algorithms:
    • Round Robin selects servers in turns. This is the default algorithm.
  • leastconn
    • Selects the server with the least number of connections–it is recommended for longer sessions.
  • source
    • This selects which server to use based on a hash of the source IP i.e. your user’s IP address.
  • static-rr / first / random

server web1 weight 50


LogStash VS Fluentd

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Logstash Event Routing vs Fluentd Event Routing

Logstash routes all data into a single stream and then uses algorithmic if-then statements to send them to the right destination.

output {
if [loglevel] == "ERROR" and [deployment] == "production" {
pagerduty {

Fluentd Event Routing

Fluentd relies on tags to route events. Each Fluentd event has a tag that tells Fluentd where it wants to be route

<match production.error>
type pagerduty
  @type tail
  tag system.logs
  # ...

then mark that tag in the area:

<match {app.**,system.logs}>

Fluentd’s approach is more declarative whereas Logstash’s method is procedural.

  • Therefore, programmers trained in procedural programming might see Logstash’s configuration as easier for getting started.
  • On the other hand, Fluentd’s tag-based routing allows complex routing to be expressed clearl

Transport Comparison

  • Logstash: Needs to be deployed with Redis to ensure reliability
  • Fluentd: Built-in reliability, but its configuration is more complicated

  • LogStash: limited to an on-memory queue that holds 20 events.

  • Fluentd: highly configurable buffering system.

Performance Comparison

  • Logstash: Slightly more memory use. Use Elastic Beats for leaf machines.
  • Fluentd: Slightly less memory use. Use Fluent Bit and Fluentd Forwarder for leaf machines.


Fluentd: slightly better reputation.

Monitoring & Tuning

  • LogStash: Metrics filter, can be visualized in 3rd party such as Graphite.
  • Fluentd: built-in monitoring agent, plug-ins to integrate with your monitoring stack.


一个 Trace 的真实数据

  • 接口的运行时间 duration,
  • 记录了服务名、
  • TraceId、
  • SpanId、
  • ParentSpanId 等上面我们聊到的常用数据,

另外还记录了我们所需要的一些自定义数据,放在了 Tags 字段中。


  • 排查根因:分析单次请求的调用链路,排查问题根因。
  • 调用关系图:通过 Trace 中的服务信息,绘制服务调用关系图。
  • 日志追踪:通过关联日志 RequestId,可以链接到日志系统,查看更详细的日志信息。

Python modules

python basic modules


import sys

random / math / datetime / calendar / os

import os 

Data Format Section

import json

Web Scrap

from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import requests

# Web Scraping with Requests-HTML
import time
from requests_html import HTMLSession

Python Thread and Process

import subprocess

import time
import threading

import requests
import time
import concurrent.futures
import os

import multiprocessing
import concurrent.futures


import psutil
print(psutil.cpu_count())  # CPU逻辑数量
>>> 8

print(psutil.cpu_count(logical=False)) # CPU物理核心
>>> 4

re: re Module - How to Write and Match Regular Expressions (Regex)

import re

Generate Random Numbers and Data Using the random Module

import random

OS Module - Use Underlying Operating System Functionality

import os 

Zip Files - Creating and Extracting Zip Archives

import zipfile