
1 Autosys Introduction

1 Autosys Introduction

1-1 What is Autosys

  • Autosys is a automated job control system for monitoring, reporting and scheduling.
  • A job is any single command, script, executable file.
  • Jobs can reside on any configured machine that is attached to network.

1-2 Instance

  • An AutoSys instance is one licensed version of AutoSys software running as an AutoSys server with one or more clients, on a single machine or on multiple machines.
  • AutoSys instance is defined by the instance ID - a capitalized three-letter identifier defined by the $AUTOSERV environment variable.
  • An instance uses its own event server and event processor and operates independently of other AutoSys instances

Example: ACE

1-3 Components of Autosys

There are 3 major component of Autosys.

  • 1) Event Server
  • 2) Scheduler
  • 3) Remote agent

1-4 Events

  • Autosys is a event driven.
  • Manually events are generated using the sendevent command.

2 Why autosys: Event, Sendevent

Why Autosys

  • To Automate any process to make business easy
  • To Reduce manual Intervention
  • To Deliver required results in time

What is an EVENT

  • Event is nothing but an action taken on a Job.
  • The action on the job is being performed using sendevent.
  • AutoSys is completely event-driven; that is, for a job


  • You can send events for a variety of purposes, including

    • starting or stopping jobs,
    • Stopping the Event processor,
    • Putting a job on hold and etc.
  • This command is also used to set global variables or cancel a scheduled event.

  • The event that is sent, is written to the database, which the event processor(Scheduler) is continually polling.
    • The event processor(Scheduler) reads and processes the event.
  • To issue a sendevent on a job, you must have execute permission on that job. Only comments and set global can be sent without regard to permissions.

  • Sendevent can be performed via two ways

    • GUI

Alt Image Text

2 Why autosys: Event, Sendevent

SendEvent via Command

sendevent -E START_JOB -J <Job name>
# Start the job (job_load)
sendevent -E FORCE_STARTJOB -J <Job name> 
  • If you use the sendevent command to send a FORCE_STARTJOB event to a job, CA Workload Automation AE immediately starts the job on the machine that is specified in the job definition, regardless of the current load on the machine or the job_load value that is set for the job.
    • If you send a FORCE_STARTJOB event to a job in ON_ICE or ON_HOLD status, the job's status does not revert to its previous status when it completes.
    • If you send a FORCE_STARTJOB event to a job in RESWAIT status, the FORCE_STARTJOB is ignored and the job remains in the RESWAIT status.
    • You can remove or alter the resource requirements of the job so the job is no longer in RESWAIT and can be started.
sendevent -E KILLJOB -J <job name> 

Indicates that the job ends while it is still in the RUNNING state. The scheduler issues an alarm when a job is terminated.

sendevent -E DELETEJOB -J <Job name>
sendevent -E JOB_ON_HOLD -J <Job name> 
sendevent -E JOB_OFF_HOLD -J <Job name> 
sendevent -E JOB_ON_ICE -J <Job name> 
sendevent -E JOB_OFF_ICE -J <Job name> 
  • ON_HOLD : Indicates that the job is on hold and cannot run until you take it off hold.

    • You can place a job in this status only by sending the JOB_ON_HOLD event.
    • To take a job off hold, send the JOB_OFF_HOLD event.
  • ON_ICE: Indicates that the job is removed from the job stream but is still defined.

    • You can place a job in this status only by sending the JOB_ON_ICE event.
    • To return a job that is on ice to the job stream and resume running it, send the JOB_OFF_ICE event.
sendevent -E CHANGE_STATUS -s STATUS -J <Job name>

When the status of a job with cross-instance dependencies changes, the scheduler sends a CHANGE_STATUS event to the remote instance event server while the job in the local instance runs.

The scheduler also sends an equivalent CHANGE_STATUS event to the remote instance for status changes not resulting from a CHANGE_STATUS event, specifically status changes resulting from one of the following:

  • Unavailable machine load units, resources or agents prevent a job from running and the scheduler change the status of the job.
  • The user changes the status by issuing a sendevent command for one of the following events: JOB_ON_HOLD, JOB_OFF_HOLD, JOB_ON_ICE, JOB_OFF_ICE, JOB_ON_NOEXEC, JOB_OFF_NOEXEC.
sendevent -E <any event> -c "comment to be displayed"
sendevent -E SET_GLOABL -G "Global variable=value"

3 Type of Machines


  • Types of machines

    • Server machine
    • Client Machine
  • Types of Jobs

    • Command Jobs
    • File Watcher Jobs
    • Box Jobs

Types Of Machines

  • Server Machine:

An Autosys server machine is a machine on which the scheduler, the event server, and/or both reside.

  • Client Machine:

An Autosys client machine is one on which the remote agent is installed. This is the machine where the job actually runs

Types Of Jobs

Command Job: Usually executes a command script or run a program.

  • Run under a user id on remote machine.
  • A single action performed on a validated machine.
  • Can comprise of only one command to be executed in one job.

File Watcher Job: Is a remote process that monitors the existence and size of a file.

  • If it detects file - success.
  • It can search only for one file when the job is been defined.

Box Job:

  • Is a container of jobs which comprises of Command ,File watcher and even box jobs.
  • It itself performs no action but it can trigger other jobs to run.

5 Autosys: Job status, Box Logic


  • Autosys Job Status
  • BOX Logic
  • What Happens when BOX Runs

Autosys Job Status

  • Autosys keeps track of the current state, or status , of every job.
  • Here ,are the different status of the job:

    • ON_HOLD(OH)
    • ON_ICE(OI)
  • INACTIVE: The job has pot vet been processed. Either the job has never been run, or its status was intentionally altered.

  • ACTIVATED: The top-level box that this job is in now in the RUNNING state, but the job itself has not started yet.
  • STARTING: The event processor has initiated the start job procedure with the Remote Agent.
  • RUNNING: The job is ruming. If the job is a box job, this value simply means that jobs within the box may be started. If it is a command or file watcher job, the value means that the process is actually running on the remote machine.
  • SUCCESS: By default, only the exit code "0" is interpreted as "Success".
  • FAILURE: By default, any code which is greater than "0" is interpreteLd as " F ilure" .
  • TERMINATED: The job has been terminated while in the Running state i.e if a KILLJOB event has been passed or it can also be terminated if it has exceeded the maximum run time.
  • RESTART: The job was unable to start due to hardware or application problems, and has been scheduled to restart.
  • SUCCESS: By default, only the exit code "0" is interpreted as "Success".
  • FAILURE: By default, any code which is greater than "0" is interpreteLd as " Failure" .
  • TERMINATED: The job has been terminated while in the Running state i.e if a KILLJOB event has been passed or it can also be terminated if it has exceeded the maximum run time.
  • RESTART: The job was unable to start due to hardware or application problems, and has been scheduled to restart.
  • RESOURCE WAIT: The job can logically run(that its all starting conditions have been met),but there are not enough machine resources available.
  • ON_HOLD: This job is on hold and will not run until its offholded.
  • ON_ICE: This job is removed from all conditions and logic, but is still define to autosys.It will remain ONICE until its officed


Default Box Job Behavior

  • Jobs run only once per box execution.
  • Jobs in a box will start only if the box itself is running.
  • Boxes should be used primarily for jobs with the same starting conditions.
  • As long as any job in a box is running, the box remains in RUNNING state; the box cannot complete until all jobs have run.
  • By default, a box will return a status SUCCESS only when all the jobs in the box have run and the status of all the jobs is success.
  • By default, a box will return a status FAILURE only when all jobs in the box have run and the status of one or more of the jobs is failure.
  • Unless otherwise specified, a bo will run indefinitely until it reaches a status SUCCESS or FAILURE
  • Changing the state of a box to INACTIVE(through the sendevent command) changes the state of all the jobs in the box to INACTIVE

What happens when a Box Runs

  • As a box starts running, all the jobs in the box (including sub-boxes )change to status ACTIVATED, meaning they are eligible to run.

  • Then each job is analyzed for additional starting conditions. All jobs with no additional starting conditions are started, without any implied ordering or prioritizing.

  • Jobs with additional starting conditions remain in the ACTIVATED state until those additional dependencies have been met.

6 Difference between onhold and onice




  • Puts the job specified in -J job name "On Hold." When a job is "On Hold,"
    • it will not be started, and downstream dependent jobs will not run.
  • A box cannot successfully complete if a job within it is ON_HOLD.
  • If the job is already STARTING or RUNNING, You cannot put it ON_HOLD.


sendevent -E JOB_ON_HOLD -J <Job name> 


Takes the jobs specified in -J job_name "Off Hold." If the starting conditions are met, the job will be started.


sendevent -E JOB OFF HOLD -j <Job name> 


  • Prevents the job from running.
  • The dependencies and run criteria (such as date/time) is not tracked while it's on ice .


sendevent -E JOB_ON_ICE -J <Job name> 


  • Takes the job specified in -J job_name "Off Ice."
  • The job acts as a brand new when taken off ice. Meaning dependencies need to be newly satisfied before the job will run again.


sendevent -E JOB_OFF_ICE -J <Job name> 



  • Putting a job ON_HOLD means the job will not be started and any downstceam dependent jobs will not run
  • When an "on hold" job is taken off hold, if its starting conditions are already met. it will be scheduled to run, and it will run.
sendevent -E JOB_ON_HOLD -j jobname -c "tkt #" 
sendevent -E JOB_OFF_HOLD -j jobname -c "tkt #" 

sendevent -E TOB_ON_HOLD -J lock_out -c ma# 1234" 
sendevent -E JOB_OFF_HOLD -J lock_out -c "T1CT#1234" 
JOB_OFF_HOLD ---- IN (Depends on previous state when onhold) 
  • A job can not be STARTING or RUNNING to have it put "on hold".


  • Putting a job ON_ICE means the job will not be started and any downstream dependent jobs could run depending on those dependent jobs' start conditions.
  • When an 'on ice" job is taken "off ice" its starting conditions are already met it will not start.
    • It will not start until its starting conditions reoccur -- just like a new job
sendevent -E JOB_ON_ICE -j jobname -c "tkt #" 
sendevent -E JOB_OFF_ICE -j jobname -c "tkt #" 

sendevent -E TOB_ON_ICE -J lock_out -c ma# 1234" 
sendevent -E JOB_OFF_ICE -J lock_out -c "T1CT#1234" 
JOB_OFF_ICE  ---- IN (always) 
  • A job can not be STARTING or RUNNING to have it put "on ice".

7 How to setup future event and cancel event



How to set future send event

This is used to schedule an event in the future Date or Time




Put the job on hold at 9:00 a.m., today

sendevent -E JOB_ON_HOLD -J TESTJOB -T "12/11/2016 09:00" 

To take the job off hold at 2:00 p.m

sendevent -E JOB_OFF_HOLD -J TESTJOB -T "12/11/2016 14:00" 

How To cancel future send event

This is used to schedule an event in the future Date or Time
