
Istio & Service Mesh 战术教程

Started at Augest 2021 By Jacob Xi

About this tutorial

This books is my 7th tech books published in almost 5 months. And this book is my most exhausted and hardworking book so far. The weather is getting cooler and cooler🥶 and double eleven is around the corner. Totally no idea what should I buy. Really appricate our team colleagues and friends' support and instruction.

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istio 是由 Google、IBM、Lyft 等共同开源的 Service Mesh(服务网格)框架,于2017年初开始进入大众视野。Kubernetes 解决了云原生应用的部署问题,istio 解决的是应用的服务(流量)治理问题。随着 2018年7月31日 istio 1.0 发布,istio 本身已经日趋稳定。


  • 微服务和 Service Mesh 核心组件 (Service Mesh 架构分析,服务注册中心,负载均衡器, 路由器及其限流熔断路由策略, 连接池,微服务网关(Kong))
  • Service Mesh 实战
    • VirtualService 在 Istio 服务网格中定义路由规则控制路由如何路由到服务上
    • DestinationRuleVirtualService 路由生效后,配置应用与请求的策略集
    • ServiceEntry 是通常用于在 Istio 服务网格之外启用对服务的请求
    • GatewayHTTP/TCP 流量配置负载均衡器,最常见的是在网格的边缘的操作,以启用应用程序的入口流量。
  • Istio基础教学
  • Istio高级教学 (1.10.3)-Bookinfo 流量管理
  • Istio 高级教学与实践
  • 实验与教学bookinfo(istio-1.3)-old
  • JenkinsX + Istio渐进式交付
  • Tetrate Istio基础培训与实验测试
  • Istio日常操作与技巧

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Envoy 入门教程


Previous on my Technolog book

手摸手 Jenkins 战术教程 (大师版)

手摸手 Elasticsearch7 技术与实战教程

手摸手 Redis 技术与实战教程

手摸手 Chef & Ansible 技术与实战教程

手摸手 分布式与流式系统 (In progress)

Azure 103&900 Tutorial (In progress)

手摸手 Linux Performance & 面试实战教程

手摸手 Databases 全教程

AWS Certified Data Analytics Tutorial

Salut! C'est Moi

petite a petit l'oiseau fait son nid

Hello, this is me, Jacob. Currently, I'm working as DevOps and Cloud Engineer in SAP, and I'm the certified AWS Solution Architect and Certified Azure Administrator, Kubernetes Specialist, Jenkins CI/CD and ElasticStack enthusiast.

I was working as Backend Engineer in New York City and achieved my CS master degree in SIT, America. Believe it or not, I'll keep writing, more and more books will come out at such dramatic and unprecedented 2021.

If you have anything want to talk to me directly, you can reach out for via email xichao2015@outlook.com。

Salute, c'est moi, Jacob. Actuellement, je travaille en tant qu'ingénieur DevOps et Cloud dans SAP, et je suis architecte de solution AWS certifié et administrateur Azure certifié, spécialiste Kubernetes et passionné de CI/CD.

Je travaillais en tant qu'ingénieur backend à New York et j'ai obtenu mon master CS à SIT, en Amérique. Croyez-le ou non, je continuerai à écrire, de plus en plus de livres sortiront cette année.

Tutorial content

To be continue

I will put more effort do finish "Azure 103&900 Tutorial book" and "Distributed Message System Book" this month hopefully. And starting working on "AWS Solution Arcitect" and "Prometheus & APM monitoring", please waiting for it.🙂

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