
4 Splunk Administration: Configuring Distributed Search

  • Anatomy of a search
  • Distributed search overview
  • Search peers
  • Knowledge bundle
  • Knowledge bundle replication

The Splunk Platform

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Standalone Splunk

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Technically, this is known as inverted index

Search Overview

  • During indexing, Splunk indexers convert the machine data stream into searchable events which are stored in indexes
  • Indexes contain compressed raw data (journal.gz) and time-series index files (TSIDX)
  • Indexes store data in time-oriented buckets (hot, warm, cold and frozen)
  • Indexers perform the search and return the results
  • Search results and meta data are stored as search artifacts until the search job expires

How Splunk Retrieves Data

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  • Timeframe: Identify data buckets based on the time range
  • Bloom Filter: Calculate bloom filter on base search and compare against bucket’s bloom filter

Bloom Filter

  • Bloom filter is a bit array created by running search terms through set of hashing algorithm
  • Splunk creates a bloom filter for each bucket
  • When a search is run, Splunk calculates the bloom filter for the base search, and compares with the bucket bloom filter
  • Only the matching buckets are opened
  • Having as many filtering terms as possible in the base search improves search performance

Search Artifact

  • Contains results and metadata
  • Stored on $SPLUNK_HOME/var/run/dispatch
  • Deleted when the search job expires
  • Each job has its own directory
  • Too many search artifacts can cause performance degradation

Contents of Dispatch Directory

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Dispatch Directory Naming Convention

Type of search

  • Ad-hoc: Unix Time of the search. (1596904237.80)
  • Saved search:
    • <run by user>__<context_user>__<app>__search (admin__admin__search__mysearch_ 1596904237.80)
  • Scheduled search
    • scheduler_nobody__web__mysearch__ 1596904237.80
  • Remote search
    • remote_<peer>_<search>

Default Time To Live of Search Artifacts

  • Ad-hoc : 10 minutes
  • Manually invoked saved search: 10 minutes
  • Scheduled search without alert action: Twice the scheduled period
  • Scheduled search with email action: 24 hours
  • Scheduled search with script action: 10 minutes
  • Scheduled search with summary indexing action 2 minutes

Changing the TTL

  • Global search behavior can be updated in limits.conf using ttl or remote_ttl parameters under search stanza
  • Individual sched searches can override TTL using savedsearches.conf or using Splunk Web
  • Alert actions can override TTL using alert_actions.conf or using Splunk Web

Overriding Alert Actions TTL

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1-2 Distributed Search Overview

Distributed search separates search management & presentation layer from indexing & search retrieval layer

Distributed Environment

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How Distributed Search Works?

  • Search head receives user’s search request
  • Search head dispatches searches to the search peers (indexers)
  • Search peers run the search on behalf of search heads and return the results to the search head
  • Search head merges the results from all the search peers
  • Search head runs additional filtering and transformation commands (if applicable) and returns the results to the user

Search Peers

  • The indexers that participate in distributed search are called search peers
  • Search peers must be added in search heads
  • If the search head participates in indexer cluster, search peers are automatically added
  • When a peer goes down, search head removes it from the peers list (default timeout 10 seconds)

1-3 Splunk Knowledge Bundle

Knowledge Bundle

  • Archive of knowledge objects that search head sends to all search peers
  • Includes knowledge objects such as event types, saved searches.
  • Search peers need these knowledge objects to execute searches on behalf of search heads
  • Contains a subset of $SPLUNK_HOME/etc/system, $SPLUNK_HOME/etc/apps & $SPLUNK_HOME/etc/users

Location of Knowledge Bundle

  • Search Head $SPLUNK_HOME/var/run (.bundle or .delta extension)
  • Search Peers: $SPLUNK_HOME/var/run/ searchpeers

Content of Knowledge Bundle

On the search peers:


  • system
  • users
  • apps
  • bundle.info

1-4 Knowledge Bundle Replication

As part of distributed search, search head periodically distributes its knowledge bundle to its search peers

What is Replicated?

Search head periodically replicates knowledge bundle in the background or when initiating a search

Full bundle

The entire knowledge bundle


Changes since the last full bundle push

Four Replication Policies

  • Classic: Search head directly replicates to all search peers
  • Cascading: Replicates to a subset of search peers which replicates to other search peers & so on
  • Mounted: Search head places the knowledge bundle in shared storage (NOT recommended)
  • RFS: Search head uploads knowledge bundle to a remote file system

Configuring Replication Policy

The configuration file must reside on the search head


replicationPolicy = [classic | cascading | rfs | mounted]
connectionTimeout = 60
maxBundleSize = 2048

Managing Knowledge Bundle

  • You can customize what gets replicated
  • Use distsearch.conf to blacklist large files you don’t need replicated
excludeLookups = apps/myapp/lookups/mybiglookup*

Monitoring Knowledge Bundle Replication

  • Splunk Web Settings -> Distributed Search
  • Monitoring Console Search -> Distributed Search
  • Command line $SPLUNK_HOME/bin/splunk show bundle-replication-status
  • REST API /services/search/distributed/bun dle/replication/config


  • Review search in standalone environment
  • Run an ad-hoc search and check the dispatch directory
  • Review job inspector and search.log
  • Change the default TTL of ad-hoc search
  • Change the default TTL of a scheduled search

index=main sourcetype=secure Failed

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  • Preparing indexers to participate in distributed search
  • Adding search peers
  • Configuring distributed search groups
  • Monitoring search peers
  • Quarantining search peers

2-1 Configuration at a Glance

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Setting up Distributed Search

  • Install the same version of Splunk Enterprise in search head and search peers
  • Search head and search peers must use a license master
  • Setup the same indexes in all search peers
  • Create a user with edit_user capability on all search peers
  • Add search peers in search head via Splunk Web

Preparing the Indexer

  • Access: Create a user with edit_user capability
  • Index: Ensure indexes have data coming in from forwarders
  • Connectivity: Ensure search head can connect to management port (8089) of the indexer

2-2 Adding Search Peer Using Splunk Web

Adding Search Peer Using Splunk Web

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Verifying Distributed Search

  • Examine the search peer in distributed search page in Splunk Web. Look for Replication Status
  • Run a search to retrieve events from an index
  • Check the internal logs on the indexer

Verifying Search Peers

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2-3 Distributed Search Groups

Distributed Search Groups

  • Search peers configured into specific groups using distsearch.conf
  • Enables to run searches on targeted indexers
  • Use splunk_server_group option in SPL to specify the group

Distributed search groups should be avoided in indexer clusters

  • The primary copy of a data bucket can be in any indexer
  • Enables to run searches on targeted indexers
  • Can be employed in multiple indexer cluster scenarios

Configuring Distributed Search Groups


servers =,,

servers =,

default = false

servers =
default = false

Using Distributed Search Groups

  • Specify the distributed search group as part of SPL

index=infra splunk_search_group = sre

Verify by examining splunk_server field

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2-4 Quarantining a Search Peer

  • You can quarantine search peers from participating in searches
  • Enables to perform maintenance on the search peer without affecting searches
  • You can use Splunk Web’s to quarantine search peers

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2-5 Demo

  • Prepare an indexer for distributed search
  • Add search peers (indexer) in search head
  • Verify distributed search

Distributed Search Environment

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Add new search peer

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Add new search peer user

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Add search peers

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[splunk@ip-172-31-19-217 sh1 splunk]$ cd /opt/splunk
[spunk@ip-172-31-19-217 sh1 splunk]$ pwd
[plunk@ip-172-31-19-217 sh1 splunk]$ cd etc/system/local
[splunk@ip-172-31-19-217 sh1 local]$ ls
migration. conf

"distsearch. conf"

servers =


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idx1 idx2 idx3

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You can also Inspect job

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[plunk@ip-172-31-19-175 fw1 splunk]$ cd /opt/splunkforwarder/
[spunk@ip-172-31-19-175 fw1 splunkforwarder]$ cd etc/system/local
[plunk@ip-172-31-19-175 fw1 local]$

# outputs configuration to send data to indexers in aws
[tcpout: idxGroup]
server =,,


# Inputs to capture system logs and send it to aws indexers
host = fw1

TCP ROUTING = idxGroup
index = infra
sourcetype = syslog
ignore0lderThan = 7d

The tepgroup idxGroup is defined in outputs.conf

index=_internal host=fwl

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  • Configure distributed search group
  • Invoke a search using distributed search group
  • Quarantine a search peer
[Splunk@ip-172-31-19-217 sh1 local]$ pwd

[Splunk@ip-172-31-19-217 sh1 local]$ ls
distsearch. conf

[Splunk@ip-172-31-19-217 sh1 local]$ vi distsearch. conf
servers =

Add sec search group and sre searcg group

servers =

servers =
default = false

servers =
default = false
[plunk@ip-172-31-19-217 sh1 local]$ cd /opt/splunk/bin
sudo  ./splunk restart

New Search

index=infra splunk_server_group="sec"

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index=infra splunk_server group = "sre"

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Quarantine splunk_server

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  • Quarantined 172.31.2711:8089

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  • Scaling options available
  • Search head cluster architecture
  • Search head cluster operation
    • Configuration replication
    • Artifact replication
    • Deployer
  • Creating a search head cluster

3-1 Search Head Scaling Options

Why Scale?

  • Prevention of single point of failure
  • Prevention of performance issue due to resource constraints
  • Distribute load across many servers geographically
  • Efficiently perform server maintenance without causing outages

Scaling Options

  • Independent search heads: Dedicated search heads with no communication between them
  • Search head clusters: A group of search heads (minimum 3) in a cluster communicating with each other
  • Indexer clusters: Search heads that join indexer cluster can be independent or search head cluster

Independent Search Heads

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Search Head Cluster

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3-2 Search Head Cluster Architecture

Search Head Cluster Considerations

  • Minimum 3 members required
  • Always use new Splunk instances to create the cluster
  • Cluster members must have the same hardware capacity
  • Synchronize the clocks of all members including search peers

Key Benefits of Search Head Clustering

  • High availability and load balancing
  • Captain manages and distributes the scheduled jobs
  • Configuration and search artifacts replication
  • Seamless user experience

Search Head Cluster Architecture

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3-3 How Does the Search Head Cluster Work?

Search Head Captain

  • Captain centrally coordinates all cluster-wide activities. Captain is also a member of the cluster
  • Captaincy can be configured to be dynamic (default) or static
    • With dynamic captaincy, the cluster automatically elects a new captain using RAFT consensus algorithm
    • Captain consumes more CPU and memory

Scheduled Jobs and Artifacts

  • Captain is the only scheduler
  • Captain chooses the search head cluster member to run search jobs based on load
  • Search artifacts are replicated by captain to other members.
    • Ad-hoc and real-time artifacts are not replicated

Configuration Management

  • Automatic Replication
    • Changes done via Splunk Web, CLI and REST API are automatically replicated
  • Deployer
    • Changes done to the .conf files must be distributed through Search head deployer


  • A Splunk instance outside of SHC (search head cluster). Associated with SHC by using pass4SymmKey in server.conf
  • Apps to be deployed are stored in /etc/shcluster/apps
  • Merges default and local directory files and deploys to default directory on the SHC members (never to local)
  • Automatically triggers a rolling restart if necessary


  • Initialize a 3-member search head cluster
  • Add search peers
  • Verify configuration replication

Search Head Cluster Environment

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Search heads are going to be configured in a search head cluster

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[Splunk@ip-172-31-25-141 sh1 ~]$ cd /opt/splunk/bin

$ ./splunk init shcluster-config -mgmt_uri replication_port 9200 -secrect  shcluster

cd /opt/splunk/bin

$ sudo ./splunk restart


[splunk@ip-172-31-19-166 sh2 ~]$ cd /opt/splunk/bin
[splunk@ip-172-31-19-166 sh2 bin]$  ./splunk init shcluster-config -mgmt_uri https: // -replication_port 9200 -secret shcluster

[splunk@ip-172-31-19-166 sh2 bin]$ sudo ./splunk restart


[splunk@ip-172-31-21-109 sh3 bin]$ ./splunk init shcluster-config -mgmt_uri -replication_port 9200 -secret shcluster

[splunk@ip-172-31-19-166 sh2 bin]$ sudo ./splunk restart


[splunk@ip-172-31-25-141 sh1 bin]$ ./splunk bootstrap shcluster-captain -servers_list,

[splunk@ip-172-31-25-141 sh1 bin]$ cd ../etc/system/local
[splunk@ip-172-31-25-141 sh1 local]$ vi server.conf
[splunk@ip-172-31-25-141 sh1 local]$ cd /opt/splunk/bin
[splunk@ip-172-31-25-141 sh1 bin]$ ./splunk show shcluster-status

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Begin Rolling Restart


cd ../etc/system/local
vi server.conf

disabled = false
replicate_search_peers = true


[splunk@ip-172-31-19-166 sh2 bin]$ cd ../etc/system/local
[splunk@ip-172-31-19-166 sh2 local]$ vi server.conf

disabled = false
replicate_search_peers = true

[splunk@ip-172-31-19-166 sh2 bin]$ sudo ./splunk restart


[splunk@ip-172-31-21-109 sh3 bin]$ cd ../etc/system/local
[splunk@ip-172-31-21-109 sh3 loca]$ vi server.conf
disabled = false
replicate_search_peers = true

[splunk@ip-172-31-21-109 sh3 loca]$ sudo ./splunk restart
[splunk@ip-172-31-25-141 sh1 bin$ ./splunk add search-server https: // -remoteUsername shuser -remotePassword

Peer added