
2 Working with Configuration Files and Indexes

1 Understanding Splunk Admin Basics and License Management

1-1 A Day in Splunk Enterprise Administrator’s Life

Splunk Enterprise Systems Administrators and Data Administrators have different responsibilities

Splunk Enterprise Systems Administrator Tasks

  • Install Splunk Software
  • Create and Manage Indexes
  • Manage Splunk Licenses
  • Configure Security
  • Monitor Splunk and respond to Monitoring Console Alerts

Splunk Enterprise Data Administrator Tasks

  • Create and manage inputs
  • Manage parsing of data including line-breaking and timestamp extraction
  • Design and establish new ingestion pipelines
  • Manage Splunk configuration files
  • Collaborate with users on data on-boarding

1-2 Splunk Enterprise Components

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  • On the left side, you have machine data sources. These are servers, containers or even network devices. They generate mission data.
  • The mission data from those systems are collected and indexed in Splunk platform.
  • The users interact with Splunk platform to search, report, and analyze.

Three Core Components

  • Indexer
    • Receive, parse and store machine data in files. Serve search requests
    • it is important to know that the same splunkd daemon does both writing and reading the files from the disk
  • Search Head

    • Web interface for the users. Dispatch searches to Indexers
  • Universal Forwarder

    • Collects data from the clients and forwards for Indexing

how Splunk works

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Client System:

Left side, you have the client system. The applications write logs to log files.

Splunk universal forwarder, which is a Splunk process, reads those log files and sends them to the indexer via TCP.


The indexers receive the data, parses them, organizes them in index files.

Search head process

The search head process, which is again another splunkd process, is used as a web interface for the user. The search head is responsible for dispatching searches to the indexers, collect the data, and make it available for the user.

Other Splunk Components

  • License Master
  • Deployment Server
  • Cluster Master
  • Search Head Deployer
  • Monitoring Console
  • Heavy Forwarder

License master

  • The License Master manages Splunk licenses
  • Other Splunk Components(such as indexer and searches) are License Slaves
  • Can be a co-located with other components such as Monitoring Console
  • Licenses can be managed through Splunk Web

deployment server

  • Manages the Configuration files on the Deployment Clients
  • Maintains configuration in serverclass.conf
    • Deployment clients typically mean the servers on which universal forwarders are installed.
  • Alternative solutions such as ansible/puppet can be used
  • Configuration files are packaged as apps
    • An app is a Splunk terminology. App simply means a set of configuration files organized in order.
  • Deployment clients periodically poll Deployment Server
    • Deployment clients periodically poll deployment server and then download files that are designated for them, so it is rather a pull mechanism and not a push mechanism.

Cluster Master

  • Cluster Master manages the Indexer Cluster
  • There is only one Cluster Master
    • There is no high availability for the cluster master.
    • You can have a passive standby, but it cannot be active.
  • Maintains data bucket status and handles replication
  • Distributes configuration files and apps to Cluster members

Search Head

  • Search Head Deployer distributes apps and configuration files to Search Head Cluster Members
  • Keeps the files in $SPLUNK_HOME/etc/shd-apps
  • Cannot run on the same instance as a cluster member

Monitoring Console

  • Monitoring Console is a Web App that helps to monitor the system health
  • Rich set of charts and statistics
  • One-stop-shop to monitor everything
  • Only Administrators have access

Heavy forwarders

  • Heavy forwarders can parse data before forwarding to indexer
  • Full Splunk Enterprise binary with distributed search disabled
  • Can also index data locally
  • Smaller footprint compared to indexer

1-3 Splunk Licensing Options

Splunk is not free. Splunk Licensing is based on the amount of data indexed

A critical thing to note because it does not depend on the number of clients, as some of the licensing model works.

It does not depend on how many processes connect to Splunk indexers.

It is the amount of data that is received and indexed into Splunk platform.

Types of Splunk Licenses

  • Enterprise License
  • Industrial IoT License
  • Free License
  • Forwarder License
  • Trial License
  • Dev/Test License

Enterprise License

  • The Enterprise License can be bought for any indexing volume
  • Enables all Splunk features including clustering and distributed search
  • No-enforcement. Users can still search after a License violation
  • Licenses can be stacked

You can purchase a license for any indexing volume from Splunk.

Free License

  • The Free license includes 500MB/day indexing, for life
  • Disabled features
    • Clustering
    • Authentication
    • Distributed Search
    • Alerting
    • Deployment management

Trial License

  • The Trial License provides full Splunk features for 60 days
  • After 60 days, it automatically becomes Free License
  • Maximum 500 MB daily volume
  • Sales Trial license can provided for customized limits

Industrial IoT License

  • Splunk for Industrial IoT License
  • Not stackable
  • Access to Splunk Enterprise and a select premium Splunk Apps

Forwarder License

  • Forwarder License allows forwarding of unlimited data
  • Cannot be used for indexing
  • No need to purchase them separately
  • Universal Forwarders automatically apply Forwarder License
  • Heavy Forwarders must be converted to Forwarder License group

Dev/Test License

  • Dev/Test license for running Splunk in Non Prod environments
  • Cannot be used in distributed environment
  • Not stackable
  • Can be used for Splunk App development

What counts towards daily License quota?

  • Full size of data flowing through the parsing pipeline

    • Whatever gets into the parsing queue is what gets charged.
  • Not the disk storage

    • It is not the ultimate final disk storage because the data gets compressed and also added with the metadata and other indexing data in the disk.
  • Does not include
    • What is being charged is the data that flows through the parsing pipeline before it gets written to the disk
  • Replicated Data
    • The data does not include replicated data.
  • Summary indexes
  • Internal Logs
    • Splunk Splunks itself. There's tons of logs that Splunk generates, and they all are indexed in _internal index.
  • Metadata

Licensing in Distributed Environment

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The license master is the only server that has the enterprise license stack installed.

All other components in your environment act as license slaves, and they simply connect to the license master.

It is configured in server.conf on the licensed slaves.

1-4 Managing License Violations

License Warnings and Violations

  • Exceeding daily volume quota results in a Warning
  • 5 or more warnings in a 30 day rolling period is a Violation
  • Searching is NOT disabled in violation period
  • Alert logged in Messages on any Splunk Web pages

Monitoring License Warnings

  • Monitoring Console: Enable the license monitoring alerts
  • Licensing Page in Splunk Web: Current and permanent violations
  • Usage Report in Splunk Web: Current and previous 30 days usage

Handling License Violations

  • Review heavy hitters (Usage Report) and adjust intake
  • The daily limit resets at midnight
  • Buy more license


  • Licensing page in Splunk Web
  • Review Warnings and Violations
  • Usage Report
    • Current
    • Past 30 days
  • Enable Monitoring Console License Alerts

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2 Working with Splunk Configuration Files

  • Understanding Splunk configuration files
  • Structure of Splunk configuration files
  • Layering the configuration files
    • Index-time
    • Search-time
  • Precedence of configuration files
  • Using btool to troubleshoot

2-1 Understanding Splunk Configuration Files

Splunk platform is configured using set of text-based configuration files

Splunk Configuration Files

  • Text files located in SPLUNK_HOME/etc/…
  • .conf extension (Examples: server.conf, deploymentclient.conf)

Typically, it's /opt/splunk in UNIX‑based systems.

  • Changes made via Splunk Web update configuration files
  • Contain stanzas and key value pairs
  • Govern a Splunk functionality

For example, props.conf governs how data is parsed.

Server.conf governs the system‑level parameter of the splunkd process.

There are only two Splunk software packages: Splunk Enterprise and Splunk Universal Forwarder

Splunk Software Packages

Splunk Enterprise

  • Indexer
  • Search Head
  • License Master
  • Deployment Server
  • Cluster Master
  • Search Head Deployer
  • Monitoring Console
  • Heavy Forwarder

Splunk Universal Forwarder

  • Deployment Client

Splunk Platform Directory Structure

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  • On top, we have SPLUNK_HOME. In general, it is /opt/splunk in Linux‑based systems, but it is any directory that you chose to install Splunk.
  • bin directory under SPLUNK_HOMEthat contains Splunk commands, for example, the ./splunk command that we typically use to restart a Splunk process is located under SPLUNK_HOME bin.

  • etc. It has three major directories.

    • The first is apps. Under apps, we have configuration files packaged as apps. We will see that apps is one of the core ways Splunk manages configuration files.
    • users directory, under which we have user‑specific configuration files.
      • For example, if a user logs onto Splunk Web and then creates an alert, the alert configuration goes inside the users directory.
    • System. Here is where system‑wide configuration files are stored.

If the user shares the alert, the configuration is moved to the apps directory

  • var directory under SPLUNK_HOME that contains two major directories.
    • log in which we have Splunk platform's log files.
      • The index in which the logs are stored is _internal.
    • Then we have lib directory, under which the indexes live. Index is where the mission data is stored.

Structure of Splunk Configuration File

Configuration Files Are Made of Stanzas and Key-value Pairs


maxTotalDataSizeMB = 650000
maxGlobalRawDataSizeMB = 0

# idx1 index settings
homePath = volume:hot1/idx1
coldPath = volume:cold2/idx1


sourcetype = access_common
ignoreOlderThan = 7d
index = web

Two Ways to Learn Splunk Configuration Files

  • README files

$SPLUNK_HOME/etc/system/README directory contains example and spec files

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2-2 Layering Splunk Configuration Files

Splunk App

  • Splunk's way of organizing configuration files
  • A directory under SPLUNK_HOME/etc/apps
  • Contains Splunk configuration files
  • Can also contain scripts and other necessary artifacts
  • An add-on is an app that usually does not contain GUI

Search & Reporting app

  • Splunk ships with Search & Reporting app which is a prebuilt general-purpose app.
  • The configuration is stored under SPLUNK_HOME/etc/apps/search

Splunk App Directory Structure

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We have another special folder called metadata that contains default.meta and/or local.meta that defines the permissions for this app

Default vs. Local Directories

  • Default

    • Shipped with Splunk
    • Will be overwritten upon Splunk upgrade
    • Files should not be updated
    • Contains default settings
    • Does not override local
  • Local

    • User created
    • Will be preserved upon Splunk upgrade
    • Recommended place to modify files
    • User-specific configuration changes
    • Always overrides default

All the Configuration File Locations

  • etc/system/default
  • etc/system/local
  • etc/apps/search/default
  • etc/apps/search/local
  • etc/apps/<app>/default
  • etc/apps/<app>/local
  • etc/users/<user>/<app>/local
    Do not update files in etc/system/default

Never update files in etc/system/default. It is the default system where the configuration, and it is bound to be updated or overwritten whenever you upgrade Splunk platform.

2-3 Mastering Splunk Configuration Files Precedence

Index-time and Search-time

  • Index-time: Global context, such as input/parsing configuration

configuration with a global context such as inputs.conf

  • Search-time: App/User scoped, such as a user’s knowledge objects

would be saved to searches.conf in which a user can have scheduled reports and even alerts

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Index-time Precedence

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  1. etc/system/local. Any configuration here will override configuration in any other location. This is the gold standard, the mother of all configuration files, etc/system/local.
  2. etc/apps/search/local. Search is a special pre‑built app that comes with Splunk.
  3. etc/apps, any custom app, in this case, app1/local.
  4. etc/apps/search/default.
  5. etc/apps, any app, in this case, app1, default.
  6. etc/system/default. That gets the lowest precedence in any case, etc/system/default.

if there are two or more apps that have conflicting settings, app directory name with the highest ASCII order wins.

Search-time Precedence

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  1. etc/users, username, and then the particular app he is working on, /local. You can see that etc/system/local does not get the top precedence.
  2. etc/apps, the app in which the user is working on right now, /local.
  3. etc/apps, app name, default.
  4. etc/apps/search/local.
  5. etc/apps/search/default.
  6. etc/system/local. You can see that during index time, etc/system/local is the most important directory, whereas during search time, it is almost the last.
  7. etc/system/default.

How Splunk merges configuration files.

  • Upon startup, Splunk merges configuration files for each type, very important point.

For example, if there are multiple limits.conf spread across various applications, or apps rather, upon startup, Splunk will merge all the configurations into one single limits.conf.

  • The resulting file combines settings from various directory locations.

    • It is a union of all settings for the same configuration file that is available across different directories.
  • Only one file per file type will be used at runtime.

It does not matter how many inputs.conf are out there or how many props.conf are out there.

For a given type, there is only one configuration file at runtime. If there is a conflict, precedence is applied.

  • If there is a conflict, precedence is applied
  • Local takes precedence over default

How layering and precedence works.

consider props.conf. And in this section of props.conf, it happens to be processed during index time.

Configuration File Merging Example 1


LINE_BREAKER = ([\r\n]+)\d{4}-


TIME_FORMAT = %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S%Z



category = web

Effective props.conf at runtime

LINE_BREAKER = ([\r\n]+)\d{4}-
category = web

TIME_FORMAT = %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S%Z


Configuration File Merging Example 2

file_tracking_db_threshold_mb = 500
learned_sourcetypes_limit = 1000

max_fd = 500

max_fd = 300

Effective limits.conf at runtime

file_tracking_db_threshold_mb = 500
learned_sourcetypes_limit = 1000
max_fd = 300
  • file_tracking_db_threshold_mb: The first parameter defines the maximum size of fishbucket database,after which a new database file will be created. Fishbucket database is used to keep track of monitoring the input files and its progress.
  • Learned_sourcetypes_limit limits the maximum number of automatically created source types.

When overriding configuration with a local file, do not copy the entire file from default. Just add the overriding configuration.

Overriding the Default Configurations

Correct Way to Override Defaults


TRUNCATE = 10000
DATETIME_CONFIG = /etc/datetime.xml

TRUNCATE: defines the maximum number of lines after which an event will be truncated. So by default, it is 10000.

Now in order to override this, all you need to do is to simply redefine TRUNCATE with the value that you want in etc/system/local/props.conf.

Again, do not copy the entire props.conf from default. Simply override it with etc/system/local/props.conf.


TRUNCATE = 50000

Note that etc/system/local/props.conf is the mother of all configuration files.

As an added tip, the two locations where default configurations are stored out of the box is etc/system/default and etc/apps/search/default.

2-4 Using btool to Work with Splunk Configuration Files

  • A Splunk command
  • Located in SPLUNK_HOME/bin
  • Retrieves the on-disk configuration of a Splunk configuration file
  • Syntax: splunk btool <conf file name> list [options]
  • --debug option shows the exact .conf file location

Btool Example

/opt/splunk/bin# ./splunk btool inputs list monitor:///var/log

_rcvbuf = 1572864
disabled = false
host = Karun-Mac-Container
index = main

/opt/splunk/bin# ./splunk btool inputs list monitor:///var/log --debug
/opt/splunk/etc/apps/search/local/inputs.conf [monitor:///var/log]
/opt/splunk/etc/system/default/inputs.conf _rcvbuf = 1572864
/opt/splunk/etc/apps/search/local/inputs.conf disabled = false
/opt/splunk/etc/apps/search/local/inputs.conf host = Karun-Mac-Container
/opt/splunk/etc/apps/search/local/inputs.conf index = main

retrieving the contents of inputs

As you can see, there are two inputs.conf in play here. One comes from etc/apps/search/local, and the other one comes from etc/system/default.inputs.conf.

/opt/splunk/bin$ ./splunk status

/opt/splunk/bin$ ps -ef | grep splunk

splunk -p 8089 start

cd system/default
/opt/splunk/etc/system/default$ ls
alert_actions.conf ....

$ vi props. conf
# This file specifies how to parse a given log file

Add new data inputs

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Start searching

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source="/var/log/*" host="Karun-Mac"

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New input file created

/opt/splunk/etc/apps/search/local: 1s -lrt


connection_host = ip

disabled = false
host = Karun-Mac
index = main

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/opt/splunk/bin$ ./splunk btool inputs list

/opt/splunk/bin$ ./splunk tool inputs lis monitor

./splunk btool inputs list monitor --debug
/opt/splunk/etc/apps/search/local/inputs.conf   [monitor:///var/log]  
/opt/splunk/etc/system/default/inputs.conf      _revbuf = 1572864
/opt/splunk/etc/apps/search/local/inputs.conf   disabled = false
/opt/splunk/etc/apps/search/local/inputs.conf   host = Karun-Mac
/opt/splunk/etc/apps/search/local/inputs.conf   index = main
/opt/splunk/bin$./splunk btool inputs list monitor:///var/log

_revbuf = 1572864
disabled = false
host = Karun-Mac
index = main

2-5 More Examples of Using Btool

  • Review a Splunk configuration file
  • Locate the btool command
  • Use btool to retrieve configuration
  • Use btool to analyze conflicts
  • Using REST API to retrieve configuration

dpkg source type

Now I know that I did not manually create this sourcetype. Splunk uses sourcetype to parse the data, so I need to find out where the source type dpkg is defined.

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./splunk btool props list dpkg

/opt/splunk/etc/apps/learned/local/props.conf [dpkg]

install Splunk *NIX TA, the Splunk UNIX TA

The *NIX TA can be obtained from splunkbase.solunk.com

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/opt/splunk/etc/apps$ ls-lrt

cd opt/splunk/etc/apps/Splunk_TA_nix/local$ ls -lrt

vi inputs.conf

Default is disable, enable all the input

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./splunk btool inputs list script://./bin/top.sh --debug

How we can access Splunk configuration via rest API

| rest services/properties

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| rest services/properties/props 
| rest services/properties/props/dpkg/MAX_EVENTS

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3 Understanding Splunk Index


  • How Splunk organizes data
  • Index buckets
    • Hot
    • Warm
    • Cold
    • Frozen
    • Thawed
  • Creating an index

    • Using Splunk Web
    • Using configuration files
    • One index vs multiple indexes
  • Index data integrity

3-1 How Splunk Organizes Data

Splunk stores data in indexes, which are organized in directories and files in disk

Splunk Indexes

  • Indexes are stored in SPLUNK_HOME/var/lib/splunk
  • The directory location is customizable for each index
  • Indexes contain raw data and index files
  • Indexes can be created by an Administrator
  • Many prebuilt indexes
    • _internal
    • _audit
    • main

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Another useful internal index is _introspectionwhich stores Spunk platform's performance metrics

Inside a Splunk Index

  • Raw data: Raw data is stored in compressed format
  • Tsidx files: Time series index files that point to the raw data
  • metadata: Metadata files such as Sources.data, SourceTypes.data and Hosts.data

3-2 Splunk Data Buckets


  • Indexes store data in buckets
  • Buckets are set of directories organized by age
  • Contain raw data, tsidx files and metadata
  • As the index grows, number of buckets grows as well

Types of Buckets

  • Hot
  • Warm
  • Cold
  • Frozen
  • Thawed


  • Hot buckets contain the newest data
  • They are open for both read and write
  • There can be more then one hot bucket in an index
  • Searchable
  • Roll to warm bucket when buckets reach certain size, or upon Splunk restart

maxHotBuckets in indexes.conf can beconfigured (default 3)


  • Warm buckets are created when hot buckets roll
  • Not open for writing, but searchable
  • They reside in the same directory as hot buckets but renamed
  • Roll to cold buckets when exceeding maximum warm buckets setting

maxWarmDBCount in indexes.conf can be configured (default 300)


  • Starting from oldest bucket (based on time), warm buckets roll to cold
  • Reside in different directory from hot and warm
  • Searchable
  • The directory location can be configured
  • Possible to save cost by using cheaper storage


  • After cold buckets age out based on retention policy, they roll to frozen
  • The default action is to delete; can be configured to archive
  • coldToFrozenDir or coldToFrozenScript in indexes.conf configures archiving
  • Archived frozen buckets are not searchable

All events in a cold bucket must be eligible to be frozen


  • Frozen buckets can be thawed
  • Thawed buckets are rebuilt into the index and searchable
  • Location of thawed buckets can be configured in indexes.conf
  • No age restriction for thawed buckets
  • Use splunk rebuild command to rebuild

Bucket Locations

  • SPLUNK_HOME/var/lib/splunk/myfirstindex/db/
  • SPLUNK_HOME/var/lib/splunk/myfirstindex/db/
  • SPLUNK_HOME/var/lib/splunk/myfirstindex/colddb/
  • Frozen buckets are deleted by default. Can be optionally archived.
  • SPLUNK_HOME/var/lib/splunk/myfirstindex/thaweddb/

Bucket Naming


  • hot_v1_<local id>
  • hot_v1_5


  • db_<newest time>_<oldest_time>_<local id>
  • db_1559676230_1559676181_0

  • Local id is the ID of the bucket

  • Newest and oldest time are in UTC epoch time in seconds
  • During a search, Splunk uses the time range in the bucket name before opening it

Index Directory Structure

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3-3 Creating Splunk Indexes

Why Create Multiple Indexes?

  • Security: Restrict access to index by Splunk role
  • Retention: Retention policies are applied at index level


Security is defined in authorize.conf

[role_myrole]      # Definition for myrole
importRoles = user   # Inherit user role’s capabilities
srchIndexesAllowed = os,idx1   #Allowed indexes are os and idx1
srchIndexesDefault = idx1  # Default index is idx1

importRoles = user
srchIndexesAllowed = os,idx1,idx2  # Allowed indexes are os,idx1,idx2
srchIndexesDefault = idx2   # Default index is idx2


Indexes are configured in indexes.conf

[myfirstindex]   # Definition for myfirstindex
coldPath =  $SPLUNK_DB/myfirstindex/colddb   # Location for cold buckets
enableDataIntegrityControl = 0  # Disable Data Integrity Control
enableTsidxReduction = 0        # Disable TSIDX reduction

homePath = $SPLUNK_DB/myfirstindex/db   # Location for hot and warm buckets

maxTotalDataSizeMB = 512000   # Maximum size of the index
frozenTimePeriodInSecs = 1209600  # Number of seconds after which bucket roles to frozen (every event in a bucket must be older than this limit)

thawedPath = $SPLUNK_DB/myfirstindex/thaweddb # Location for thawed buckets

Creating Splunk Index

  • Using Splunk Web

    • Settings -> Indexes -> New Index
  • Using configuration files

    • Copy existing stanza in indexes.conf and update.
    • Restart of Splunk required

Creating Index Using Splunk Web

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Index Data Integrity

  • enableDataIntegrityControl=true in indexes.conf.
    • Check integrity:

./splunk check-integrity -index [ index name ]

  • Allows to ensure indexed data has not been tampered with.
    • Regenerate hash:

./splunk generate-hash-files -index [ index name ]

  • Creates hash files (using SHA 256) as the data is indexed.
    • Hash files are stored in rawdata directory within the index.

One Index vs. Multiple Indexes

  • Security: Create separate indexes if you want to allow access selectively
  • Retention: Create separate indexes if you want varying data retention periods
  • Management: Easier management for chargeback processes

3-4 Demo

  • Create a Splunk index using Splunk Web

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  • Upload data

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  • Review the indexes.conf
cd var/lib/splunk/
cd oslogs

/opt/splunk/var/lib/splunk/oslogs$ ls -lrt

/opt/splunk/var/lib/splunk/oslogs/db$ ls -lrt

cd hot_v1_0
$ ls -lrt
Hosts. data

/opt/splunk/var/lib/splunk/oslos/db/db_1559676230_1559676181_1/rawdata$ ls
  • Review the index directory structure

    • buckets
    • tsidx files
    • raw data
  • Check data integrity

./slunk btool indexes list oslogs --debug


WatchdogActionsManager reload started
Starting WatchdogThread for process pid=11068. Threads monitoring is enabled with response timeout set to 8000 ms
Operating on: id=oslogs bucket='/opt/splunk/var/lib/splunk/oslogs/db/db_1577042620_1577042619_0
Operating on: id=oslogs bucket='/opt/splunk/var/lib/splunk/oslogs/db/db_1559676230_1559676181_1'
Total buckets checked=2, succeeded=2, failed=0

4 Configuring Indexes

  • Learning to tune indexes.conf
  • Understanding fishbucket
  • Applying a data retention policy
  • Managing Splunk index
    • Backup
    • Backup
    • Cleaning out
  • Using monitoring-console to understand index configuration

4-1 Splunk Index Configuration File

Indexes.conf file is used to configure Splunk indexes and their properties

Location of indexes.conf

  • There is a default indexes.conf in SPLUNK_HOME/etc/system/default directory.
  • DO NOT edit this file.
  • Create a new indexes.conf in SPLUNK_HOME/etc/system/local directory and add specific customization there.

You can also place indexes.conf as part of an app under SPLUNK_HOME/etc/apps/<app name>/local.

Restart of splunkd required for any configuration changes

Structure of indexes.conf

The file can have a 'default' stanza for defining global properties

If a property is defined outside of any stanza, at the top of the file, it is considered a global property.

If a property is defined at both global level and in a specific stanza, value in the stanza takes precedence.

If there are multiple definitions of the same settings in a stanza, last setting wins.

  • Indexes.conf
# A basic index definition


homePath = $SPLUNK_DB/weblogs/db
coldPath = $SPLUNK_DB/weblogs/colddb
thawedPath = $SPLUNK_DB/weblogs/thaweddb

tstatsHomePath = $SPLUNK_DB/weblogs/datamodel_summary

frozenTimePeriodInSecs = 5184000
homePath = $SPLUNK_DB/weblogs/db  # Directory for hot and warm buckets

coldPath = $SPLUNK_DB/weblogs/colddb # Directory for cold buckets
thawedPath = $SPLUNK_DB/weblogs/thaweddb  # Directory for thawed buckets
tstatsHomePath = $SPLUNK_DB/weblogs/datamodel_summary  # Directory for accelerated data model summary tsidx files

frozenTimePeriodInSecs = 5184000 # Freeze data older than this many seconds

maxHotBuckets = 3  # Maximum number of hot buckets

maxDataSize = auto  # Maximum size of hot buckets (default 750MB)

maxTotalDataSizeMB = 400000  # Maximum size of an index

maxWarmDBCount = 300   # Maximum number of warm buckets

4-2 Understanding Fishbucket

Splunk Fishbucket

fishbucket is a special Splunk internal index that is automatically created.


Fishbucket keeps track of the ingestion progress of monitored files and directories


It is located in SPLUNK_HOME/var/lib/splunk/fishbucket.


Upon restart, using fishbucket, Splunk can start ingesting from where it left off

Using Fishbucket

To re-index a particular file

# Use btprobe command
./splunk cmd btprobe -d SPLUNK_HOME/var/lib/splunk/fishbucket/splunk_private_db --file <file name> --reset

To re-index all monitored file

# Remove the entire fishbucket directory

rm -rf /opt/splunk/var/lib/splunk/fishbucket

You must restart Splunk Forwarder

4-3 Applying a Data Retention Policy

Data Retention in Splunk

  • you must define a retention policy for the data indexed
  • Retention policy is applied at index level
  • Set maxTotalDataSizeMB and/or frozenTimePeriodInSecs
  • maxTotalDataSizeMB overrides frozenTimePeriodInSecs
  • indexes.conf is used to configure retention ploicy

Configuring Data Retention

  • maxTotalDataSizeMB

    • Maximum size of the index in Mega Bytes. Oldest data is frozen after this limit. Default is 500GB
  • frozenTimePeriodInSecs

    • Time period in seconds after which the data rolls to frozen. Default is 6 years

What Happens to the Expired Data

  • When the bucket rolls from cold to frozen, by default the data is deleted
  • If coldToFrozenScript is configured, the script is executed
  • If coldToFrozenDir is configured, Splunk moves the expired buckets to this directory
  • To restore expired data, copy the archived buckets to thaweddb location and rebuild
    • ./splunk rebuild SPLUNK_HOME/var/lib/splunk/<index name>/thaweddb/<bucket name>

4-4 Managing Splunk Indexes

Backing up Splunk

  • You must regularly backup Splunk. Daily incremental backups recommended.
  • Objects to backup: Warm and cold buckets; Entire etc directory.
  • Hot buckets can't be backed up without stopping Splunk.

In a clustered environment, you may not need to backup data buckets as data is replicated.

In distributed environments, ensure you backup search heads and heavy forwarders.

Deleting Events in a Splunk Index

Best way is to let the data expire instead of deleting

You can only do a virtual delete (i.e data is not removed from disk)

Even admins can't delete data by default

  • Create a user with can_delete capability.
  • Run a search to list the desired events to be deleted.
  • Pipe the delete command.

Cleaning out a Splunk Index

  • Extremely dangerous command in production
  • Destroys index data from disk
  • syntax:
    • splunk clean all -index <index name>

4-5 Demo

  • Review indexes.conf
    • Data retention policy
cd ../etc/system/default/
vi indexes.conf
cd /opt/splunk/etc/apps/search/locals
vi indexes.conf

coldPath= $SPLUNK_DB/myfirstindex/colddb
compressRawdata = 1
enable0nlineBucketRepair = 1
rtRouterQueueSize =
rtRouterThreads =
selfStorageThreads =
syncMeta = 1
tsidxWritingLevel =

cd /opt/splunk/bin
./splunk btool indexes list oslogs --debug | grep frozen

/opt/splunk/etc/system/default/indexes.conf  frozenTimePeriodInSecs = 188697600
  • Review location and contents of fishbucket
cd fishbucket/

$ ls -lrt

Alt Image Text

  • Reset fishbucket to re-index data
index=oslogs source="/var/log/apt/history.log" "Commandline: apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends python-pip"

Alt Image Text

index=slogs source="/var/log/apt/history.log" "Commandline: apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends python-pip" | convert ctime
(_indextime) AS Indextime | table Indextime,_time,_raw
index=oslogs source="/var/log/apt/history.log" "Commandline: apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends python-pip" | convert ctime
(_indextime) AS Indextime | search Indextime = "12/31/2019 12:21:57"

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$rm -rf fishbucket/
cd /opt/splunk/bin

opt/splunk/bins./splunk restart
  • Deleting events from an Index

The user must have can_delete capability to execute the delete command

index=oslogs source="/var/log/apt/history.log" "Commandline: apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends python-pip" | convert ctime
(_indextime) AS Indextime | search Indextime = "12/31/2019 12:21:57"  | delete

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  • Use monitoring console to monitor indexes

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Course Summary

  • Licensing options and handling license violations
  • Configuration files layering and precedence
  • Using btool to troubleshoot
  • Creating and tuning Splunk indexes
  • Various Splunk data buckets
  • Configuring a data retention policy
  • Managing Splunk indexes