
第一节 集群身份认证与用户鉴权

  • 如何为集群启用X-Pack Security
  • 如何为内置用户设置密码
  • 设置 Kibana与ElasticSearch通信鉴权
  • 使用安全API创建对特定索引具有有限访问权限的用户

This tutorial involves a single node cluster, but if you had multiple nodes, you would enable Elasticsearch security features on every node in the cluster and configure Transport Layer Security (TLS) for internode-communication, which is beyond the scope of this tutorial. By enabling single-node discovery, we are postponing the configuration of TLS. For example, add the following setting:

discovery.type: single-node

5700 万用户数据泄漏

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1.08 亿条投注信息泄漏

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  • Elasticsearch 在默认安装后,不提供任何形式的安全防护
  • 错误的配置信息导致公网可以访问 ES 集群
  • elasticsearch.yml 文件中, server.host 被错误的配置为


  • 身份认证
    • 鉴定用户是否合法
  • 用户鉴权
    • 指定那个用户可以访问哪个索引
  • 传输加密
  • 日志审计

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4、Authentication - 身份认证

  • 认证体系的几种类型

    • 提供用户名和密码
    • 提供秘钥或 Kerberos 票据
  • Realms:X-Pack 中的认证服务

    • 内置 Realms (免费)
      • File / Native(用户名密码保存在 Elasticsearch)
    • 外部 Realms (收费)

5、RBAC - 用户鉴权

  • 什么是 RBAC:Role Based Access Control, 定义一个角色,并分配一组权限。权限包括索引 级,字段级,集群级的不同的操作。然后通过将角色分配给用户,使得用户拥有这些权限
    • User —— The authenticated User
    • Role —— A named set of permission
    • Permission —— A set of one or more privileges against a secured resource
    • Privilege —— A named group of 1 or more actions that user may execute against a secured resource


6-1 Cluster Privileges

all / monitor / manager / manage_index / manage_index_template / manage_rollup

6-2 Indices Privileges

all / create / create_index / delete / delete_index / index / manage / read /write /view_index_metadata



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8、使用 Security API 创建用户

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9、开启并配置 X-Pack 的认证与鉴权

9-1 修改配置文件,打开认证与授权

bin/elasticsearch -E node.name=node0 -E cluster.name=geektime -E path.data=node0_data -E http.port=9200 -E xpack.security.enabled=true

新版本需要打开SSL: xpack.security.transport.ssl.enabled=true

elasticsearch -E node.name=node0 -E cluster.name=jx -E path.data=node0_data -E http.port=9200 -E xpack.security.enabled=true -E xpack.security.transport.ssl.enabled=true 

使用Curl访问ES,或者浏览器访问 “localhost:9200/_cat/nodes?pretty”。返回401错误

curl 'localhost:9200/_cat/nodes?pretty'

9-2 创建默认的用户和分组

cd /usr/share/elasticsearch/
bin/elasticsearch-setup-passwords interactive

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  • changeme

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  • elastic
  • changeme

9-3 当集群开启身份认证之后,配置 Kibana

  • Demo
    • 创建一个 Role,配置为对某个索引只读权限 / 创建一个用户,把用户加入 Role

10、配置 Kibana

修改 kibana.yml

# If your Elasticsearch is protected with basic authentication, these settings provide
# the username and password that the Kibana server uses to perform maintenance on the Kibana
# index at startup. Your Kibana users still need to authenticate with Elasticsearch, which
# is proxied through the Kibana server.
#elasticsearch.username: "kibana_system"
#elasticsearch.password: "pass"
  • elasticsearch.username: "kibana"
  • elasticsearch.password: "changeme"

sudo vim /usr/share/kibana/config/kibana.yml

后台运行 kibana

nohup kibana &
POST orders/_bulk
{"product" : "1","price" : 18,"payment" : "master","card" : "9876543210123456","name" : "jack"}
{"product" : "2","price" : 99,"payment" : "visa","card" : "1234567890123456","name" : "bob"}


10-1 创建 Role

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  • create a new role named read_only_orders, that satisfies the following criteria:
    • The role has no cluster privileges
    • The role only has access to indices that match the pattern orders
    • The index privileges are read, and view_index_metadata

10-2 创建用户

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  • create demo user that satisfies the following criteria:
    • Use your own email address
    • Assign the user to two roles: read_only_orders and kibana_user

10-3 删除索引失败

POST orders/_search
POST orders/_bulk
{"product" : "1","price" : 18,"payment" : "master","card" : "9876543210123456","name" : "jack"}
{"product" : "2","price" : 99,"payment" : "visa","card" : "1234567890123456","name" : "bob"}

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  • 为什么需要保护 ES 中的数据
  • 如何使用 X-Pack Security 保护你的数据
  • Elasticsearch 中 RBAC 的机制和默认创建的用户和角色
  • 配置 Elasticsearch 和 Kibana 开启 身份认证和用户鉴权
  • 使用 Native Realm,通过 API 和 Kibana 管理用户分组和权限
