
第三节 用机器学习实现异常检测


  • 解决一些基于规则或者 Dashboard 难以实时发现的问题
  • IT运维
    • 如何知道系统正常运行
    • 如何调节阈值触发合适的报警
    • 如何进行归因分析
  • 信息安全
    • 哪些用户构成了内部威胁
    • 系统是否感染了病毒
  • 物联网 / 数据采集监控
    • 工厂和设备是否正常运营


  • 随着时间的推移,某个个体一直表现出一致的行为
  • 某个个体和他的同类比较,一直表现出和其他个体一致的行为


  • 和自己比 - 个体的行为发生了急剧的变化
  • 和他人比 - 个体明显区别于其他的个体

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  • Elastic 平台的机器学习功能
    • Elastic 的ML,主要针对时序数据异常检测和预测
  • 非监督机器学习
    • 不需要使用人工标签的数据来学习,仅仅依靠历史数据自动学习
  • 贝叶斯统计
    • 一种概率计算方法,使用先验结果来计算现值或者预测未来的数值
  • 异常检测
    • 异常代表的是不同的,但未必代表的是坏的
    • 定义异常需要一些指导,从哪个方面去看


  • 察不同的人每天走路的步数,由此预测明天他会走多少步
  • 需要观察不同的人,需要观察多久?
    • 一天/一周/一个月/一年/十年
  • 直觉: 观察的数据多,你的预测越准确
  • 使用这些观察来创建一个模型
    • 概率分布函数;使用这个模型找出什么事几乎不可能的事件


  • 使用成熟的机器学习技术,挑选适合数据的正确的统计模型
  • 更好的模型 = 更好的异常检测 = 更少的误报和漏报
  • 出现在低概率区域,发现异常



  • 需要一定周期的学习,才能使的置信区间的范围更小
  • 时间太长:影响因素太多,导致随机分布
  • 时间太短:完全是随机波动

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8、ES ML:单指标 / 多指标 / 种群分析

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  • Create New Job
  • 选择 Index Pattern,选择 Fare quote
  • 选择单指标任务
    • Aggregation
    • Field
    • Bucket Span (取决于用户的数据业务 / 数据的采样时间 / 波动情况 / 需要预测的频率)
    • Use full data

10、异常检测上 Demo

10-1 Upload server_metrics data

mkdir server_metrics 
cd server_metrics
wget https://download.elasticsearch.org/demos/machine_learning/gettingstarted/server_metrics.tar.gz
tar -xvf server_metrics.tar.gz

cd files

chmod +x upload_server_metrics_noauth.sh

== Script for creating index and uploading data == 

== Deleting old index == 

{"error":{"root_cause":[{"type":"index_not_found_exception","reason":"no such index [server-metrics]","index_uuid":"_na_","resource.type":"index_or_alias","resource.id":"server-metrics","index":"server-metrics"}],"type":"index_not_found_exception","reason":"no such index [server-metrics]","index_uuid":"_na_","resource.type":"index_or_alias","resource.id":"server-metrics","index":"server-metrics"},"status":404}
== Creating Index - server-metrics == 

{"error":{"root_cause":[{"type":"mapper_parsing_exception","reason":"Root mapping definition has unsupported parameters:  [metric : {properties={deny={type=long}, total={type=long}, @timestamp={type=date}, response={type=float}, service={type=keyword}, host={type=keyword}, accept={type=long}}}]"}],"type":"mapper_parsing_exception","reason":"Failed to parse mapping [_doc]: Root mapping definition has unsupported parameters:  [metric : {properties={deny={type=long}, total={type=long}, @timestamp={type=date}, response={type=float}, service={type=keyword}, host={type=keyword}, accept={type=long}}}]","caused_by":{"type":"mapper_parsing_exception","reason":"Root mapping definition has unsupported parameters:  [metric : {properties={deny={type=long}, total={type=long}, @timestamp={type=date}, response={type=float}, service={type=keyword}, host={type=keyword}, accept={type=long}}}]"}},"status":400}
== Bulk uploading data to index... 

Server-metrics_1 uploaded
Server-metrics_2 uploaded
Server-metrics_3 uploaded
Server-metrics_4 uploaded
Server-metrics_5 uploaded
Server-metrics_6 uploaded
Server-metrics_7 uploaded
Server-metrics_8 uploaded
Server-metrics_9 uploaded
Server-metrics_10 uploaded
Server-metrics_11 uploaded
Server-metrics_12 uploaded
Server-metrics_13 uploaded
Server-metrics_14 uploaded
Server-metrics_15 uploaded
Server-metrics_16 uploaded
Server-metrics_17 uploaded
Server-metrics_18 uploaded
Server-metrics_19 uploaded
Server-metrics_20 uploaded
 done - output to /dev/null

== Check upload 
health status index          uuid                   pri rep docs.count docs.deleted store.size pri.store.size
green  open   server-metrics EQcyn1KcRI-_ZLCAUAebxA   1   1     860643            0    145.5mb         82.9mb

 Server-metrics uploaded

10-2 Create Index Pattern

Stack Management -> Index Patterns
green open server-metrics                      EQcyn1KcRI-_ZLCAUAebxA 1 1 905940      0 149.9mb  75.1mb


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Stack Management -> License Management -> Start trial

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10-3 Create job Anomaly Detection

1、Ceate Single Metrics job

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2、Ceate job

  • Tim Range: Click Use full server-metrics data

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  • Pick fields:
    • Sum total
    • Bucket span: 15m

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  • Job details:
    • single-metrics-demo

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  • Summary

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  • View anomalies in different time span

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  • Run the 2d forcasting

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  • Created detection jobs: single-metrics-demo

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  • Add Custom URLS for single-metrics-demo
    • Label: single-anomly

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  • Check actions: single-anomly

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  • Sum total < 0

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  • Add total: total gte 0 and saved as index

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10-3 Create another job Anomaly Detection job with gte 0 index

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  • Job details:
    • enhanced-demo-metrics

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  • Created detection jobs: enhanced-demo-metrics

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11、Multi Metrics 多指标检测

11-1 多指标检测

  • 多个指标
  • 按照某个字段进行分类
  • 什么是影响因子
    • 影响因子是一个字段
    • 这个字段从逻辑分析上看,是可能造成异常的原因
    • 不一定必须是一个检测器,但是这个字段通常能够被用于区分数据
    • 对影响因子也可以打分,打分是基于其多大程度会影响到异常

11-2 Create job: multi-metric

  • Pick fields:
    • Mean (accpet)
    • Mean (deny)
    • Mean (repsonse)
  • Split field: service.keword
  • Bukcet span: 15m

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job id: multi-metrics-job

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Run the job

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Check the anomaly

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12-1 种群分析

  • 如何分析
    • 种群之间比较
    • 不和自己的过去比较
  • 适用情景
    • 个体具备高 Cardinality
    • 少数个体从时间上是稀疏的
    • 作为整体看,群体行为是均匀的
  • 不适用的场景
    • 个体的行为各自都不相同

12-2 Create pattern index: user-activity

DELETE user-activty
PUT _bulk
{"index": {"_index": "user-activity", "_type": "_doc", "_id": "AVvhFsqUD6JSRXpujonE"}}
{"username": "Frederica", "@timestamp": "2017-04-16T21:06:58.963073", "bytesSent": 313}



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  • @timestamp
  • _id
  • _index
  • _score
  • _type
  • bytesSent
  • username

12-3 Create Job Population for user-activiy

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  • Population field: username.keyword
  • Add metrics: Mean (bytesSent)
  • Bucket span: 15m
  • mean(bytesSent) over "username.keyword"
  • Job ID: population

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Run Job

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Check who(username.keyword) bytesSent casue most severity


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Check anomalies

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Calendars contain a list of scheduled events for which you do not want to generate anomalies, such as planned system outages or public holidays.

settings -> Calenders

  • national-day

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