
第一节 用Monitoring和Alerting监控Elasticsearch集群

1、X-Pack Monitoring

  • X-Pack 提供了免费集群监控的功能
  • 使用 Elasticsearch 监控 Elasticsearch
    • Xpack.monitoring.collection.interval 默认设置 10 秒
  • 在生产环境中,建议搭建 dedicated 集群用于 ES 集群的监控。有以下几个好处
    • 减少负载和数据
    • 当被监控集群出现问题,还能看到监控相关的数据

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2、配置 Monitoring

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2-1 Enable elasticsearch-xpack

metricbeat modules enable elasticsearch-xpack
Enabled elasticsearch-xpack

2-2 Management Monitoring -> Overview

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2-2 Management Monitoring -> Nodes

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2-3 Management Monitoring -> Indices

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3、Alerts and Actions

3-1 Enable Alerts and Actions

Stack Management -> Alerts and Actions

$ docker ps | grep kibana
c874705b1ef6   docker.elastic.co/kibana/kibana:7.9.1                 "/usr/local/bin/dumb…"   3 weeks ago   Up 7 days>5601/tcp             hwc_kibana7

docker exec -it c874705b1ef6 bash 
cd config/
vi kibana.yml

xpack.encryptedSavedObjects.encryptionKey: "EePXCifCaykPORwjqKGbINHCPFYnNXZT"

docker restart c874705b1ef6

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3-2 Create Alerts

  • Name: Mytestalert
  • Index threshold:
    • index: .monitoring-es-7-...
    • conditon
  • Actions:
    • Log

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3-3 Default CPU Alerts

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