3 Hybrid Connectivity
Azure VPN Gateways
Azure VPN Gateways provide secure, cross-premises connectivity to Azure Virtual Networks over the public internet from customer networks or devices
- Provides Site-to-Site (52S) VPN connections to on-premises networks using IPsec/IKE (IKEv1 or IKEv2)
- Usually requires a VPN device located on-premises that has a public IP address associated directly or behind NAT
- Support Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) for dynamic routing and custom IPsec/IKE policy
- Provides a secure connection to your virtual network from individual client computers or devices
- Useful for telecommuters who want to connect to Azure Vets from a remote location
- Does not require an on-premises public-facing IP address or a VPN device
- Support multiple protocols and authentication methods
Multiple Authentication Types for Point-to-Site VPN
Configure multiple authentication types on the same gateway for OpenVPN protocol
- Certificate based
- Azure Active Directory
Useful to support different platforms with different authentication requirement scenarios
- Windows client - Azure AD authentication
- Linux clients - Certificate-based authentication
NAT For Site-to-site VPN
- Overlapping IP address ranges
- Preserve branch address allocations
- Business-to-business connectivity
NAT policy types
- 1:1 Static NAT
- Bidirectional connections
- Many-to-1 Dynamic NAT
- Preserve or masquerade address ranges
- Uni-directional connections
Monitoring & Diagnostics for VPN
BGP Dashboard
- Session status
- Advertised routes
- Learnt routes
Portal support for VPN packet capture
- With advanced filtering support
VPN connection management
- Reset individual connection
- Show connection SA
- IKE responder-only mode
Point-to-site VPN
Point-to-site VPN 指的是:在云下的单点计算机上安装 VPN 软件,然后拨入 VPN 连接云上 Azure 的 VNet 网络。比较典型的使用场景是,员工在家办公,笔记本通过 VPN 拨入可以访问公司的云上资源。
Point-to-site VPN 配置步骤如下——
1.在Azure上首先创建 virtual network gateway,然后在 virtual network gateway 中选择 Point-to-site VPN,我们可以看到隧道类型支持多种协议,如下图所示:
2.与此同时,Point-to-site VPN 的认证类型 Azure Active Directory、基于证书(针对 Linux 客户端)和基于 RADIUS,如下图所示 :
3.我们参照下图展示的 Point-to-site VPN 中,身份认证方式、隧道类型、操作系统类型三者的对应关系。
以 macOS 笔记本通过 OpenVPN 以 Azure AD 方式为例,我们首先在 Azure Portal 下载VPN client(配置文件):
然后将配置文件导入到 macOS 客户端 VPN,并拨入 VPN 后,macOS 客户端就可以连通云上网络了。利用 Wireshark capture 抓包,可以看到通讯使用 OpenVPN 协议。
Site-to-site VPN
顾名思义,Site-to-site VPN 指的是:云下客户站点和云上 Azure 虚拟网络之间创建的安全连接。
在这种方式下,计算机在接入云下网络后无须任何操作,就可以连接云上资源。比较典型的应用场景是 Branch office 与云上资源的互联。
Site-to-site VPN 的安全连接创建后,员工将笔记本接入到办公室网络,就可以访问公司云上资源。
在 Connection Type 中选择 Site-to-site:
选择或新建 Local network gateway :
Site-to-site VPN 创建成功,如下图所示:
为了避免云下云上网段重叠所带来的困扰,Site-to-site VPN 支持 NAT。
NAT 定义了在 IP 数据包中将一个 IP 地址转换为另一个 IP 地址的机制。它通常用于连接具有重叠 IP 地址范围的网络。连接网络的网关设备上的 NAT 规则或策略指定网络上地址转换的地址映射,具体配置步骤参照如下链接:
Site-to-site VPN 支持两种不同的 NAT 策略:
- 一对一的静态 NAT,这种方式提供了双向连接。
- 多对一动态 NAT,这种方式仅支持单向连接,并可用于伪装地址范围
与两种 VPN 方式不同,ExpressRoute 是在云上和云下创建专用连接。它不通过公共 Internet,并且提供比 Internet 连接更高的可靠性、更快的速度、更低的延迟和更高的安全性。
ExpressRoute 配置步骤如下——
ExpressRoute Connectivity Models
Standard ExpressRoute in colocation model
ExpressRoute Direct
ExpressRoute design patterns
1 One flat VNET
Quick to deploy, easy to manage; "common denominator" acrossClouds.
- Subscription-level resource limits;
- fewer choices for security & compliance setup.
2 VNETs all on ER circuit
Each BU, each workload in its own security & compliance boundary; NETs in same or different subscriptions (e.g., separate accounting and billing).
Limited NET connections per circuit; cross-VNET performance limited by gateway and higher latency.
3 Hub and spoke
- Hub-to-host common services and enforcecommon policies; virtually unlimited throughput between VNETs;
VETs in same or different subscriptions.
Management overhead; bottleneck in hub;
- no native transit between Spoke VNETs..
Designing for disaster recovery
Use your own WAN or Microsoft's network to achieve connectivity
Make sure you have symmetrical routing
IPsec encryption over ExpressRoute
- IPsec is end-to-end encryption
- ExpressRoute is the underlay network and IPsec VPN is the overlay network.
- IPsec can be deployed over Microsoft and Azure Private Peering
Best practices
- Only VPN gateway IPs should be exchanged in the underlay.
- On-prem and Azure VET routes should be exchanged in the overlay
- If ER GW receives all on-prem routes, ER will be selected as the preferred path for traffic from Azure to on-prem
ExpressRoute FastPath should be enabled (requires ER ultra perfgateways)
On-prem traffic will be sent from the MSEE directly to the VPN gateway; removing software component from the data path
ExpressRoute IPv6 Private Peering public preview
- End-to-End IPv6 experience from on-premises to Azure
- Private Peering support with your own defined IPv6 address spaces in your Virtual Networks
- Requires ErGwAz1-3 currently; standard, high, and ultra-performance SKUs at GA
- Support for non-Az region will be coming soon
Additional new features
1000 max prefix from Azure to on prem (increased from 200) (GA)
New gateway metrics: (GA)
of route advertised and
- received
- Frequency of route changes
of VMs in a VNET
MACsec SCI and new Cipher support
Azure Route Server
- Provide BGP* endpoints for network virtual appliance to connect
- Enable dynamic routing between VA and Azure virtual network
- Simplify NVA deployment on Azure
- Support any NVA**
- Network topology agnostic (e.g., single Vet, hub-and-spoke, full-mesh)
- Integrated with ExpressRoute and VPN gateway
如下图所示,每个 ExpressRoute Circuit 有两个 Connection,Connection 之间是双活的。每个 Connect 中包含两个逻辑连接服务,提供两种类型的对等互连服务:
Microsoft Peering (下图红色线):用于将云下资源连接到 Office 365、Dynamics 365 或 Azure 公共服务。
Azure Private Peering (下图蓝色线):用于将云下资源通过专用链接连接到 Azure 虚拟网络,即客户的云上资源。
如上文所述,ExpressRoute 通过专线连接,因此使用 ExpressRoute Circuit 需要从网络运营商购买服务。
首先在 Azure China 上选择创建 ExpressRoute circuits,如下图所示:
然后,我们需要将 ExpressRoute Circuit 的服务秘钥告知对应的运营商,如下图所示:
在使用选择运营商的服务时,还需要注意的是 ExpressRoute 的连接模式主要有两类:
- Cloud Exchange Colocation 以及 Point to-point 互联,需要使用运营商的二层专网。
- Any-to-any,需要使用运营商的三层专网。
在将 ExpressRoute 用于生产环境时,还需要考虑 ExpressRoute 网络的设计模式,如下图所示,主要有三种:
第一种设计模式是 One flat VNET。
在这种模式下,客户云上部署单个 VNET,然后通过 Express Route 实现云下云上互联。这是一个非常常见的场景,但这种模式有一定的局限性,例如客户需要在云上通过不同 VNet 实现负载隔离,这种方式就无法适配。
第二种设计模式是 VNets all on ER circuit。
在此设计模式中,客户在 Azure 云上部署了多个 VNET,并将这些 VNET 连接到一个Express Route circuit。这种模式在企业客户中很常见:客户有多个业务部门的场景,每个部门都需要自己的 VNET,以进行工作负载彼此分离,以实现自己的安全性和合规性边界。VNets all on ER circuit 这种设计模式很好地满足了这个需求。这种设计模式的局限性有两点:
- 连接到一个 Express Route circuit 的 VNET 的数量是有上限的。
- 跨 VNET 流量会受到 ExpressRoute gateway 的限制。
第三种模式设计模式是 hub-spoke 模型。
在这个模型中,客户部署 Hub 托管公共服务。Hub 中的虚拟网络通过 VNET peering 连接到 Spoke VNet。这种模式的好处是,我们可以将所有安全策略合并到 Hub VNet,所有入栈流量都通过 Hub VNet。这种设计模式是客户较为重要和复杂的生产环境中,我们优先推荐的方案。
Azure Route Server
- Fully managed with built-in high availability
- Control plane only - data traffic flows directly from the NVA to the VM and vice versa
- Two or more VAs should be deployed for redundancy
- Set up BGP mesh between the NVAs and the Route Server
- Multiple NVAs can be set up as active-active or active-passive
- For active-passive, use "AS Path Prepending" to signal the Route Server which NVA should be active and which should be passive
- For active-active, Equal-cost multi-path (ECMP) routing is enabled between the NVAs and the VMs
SWAN use case
If ExpressRoute connection goes down, traffic from on-prem will dynamically failover to the SWAN connection.
SWAN may even select the connection, public or private, per application.
ExpressRoute and VPN use case
- ER gateway and VPN gateway peer with Azure Route Server automatically.
- Once route exchange is enabled, the two on-premises can talk to each other.
Azure Bastion
Secure and seamless RDP and SSH access to your virtual machines without public IP address
Feature announcements
- Azure Key Vault Integration (GA)
- RDP/SSH access to AKS nodes (GA)
- Bastion Health metrics (Public preview) (Session | CPU | Memory)
- Bastion Scalable Gateway (Coming mid 2021)
- Support as many as 500 concurrent sessions
- Ability to decrease the gateway size
Azure Bastion Key Vault Integration (GA)