L6 Azure Review 103
Manage Subscriptions and Resources
Assign administrator roles overview
- Classic: Account Administrator / Service Administrator / Co-Administrator
- Role-Based Access Control
- Owner: Full access to all resources / Delegate access
- Contributor: Cannot delegate / Create and manage resources
- Reader
- User Access Administrator: Special account / Privilege at the root scope (/) / Temporary
- Azure AD Administrators
- Manage Azure AD resources
- Several Azure AD roles
Configure cost center quotas and tagging
- Azure Spending Limit
- Resource Tags: 15 tags
Azure Policy overview
- Azure Policies: compliance / Scans & reporting / ensure SLAs and corporate policies
- Azure Policy Assignment Options: Policy / Initiative
- initiative Definition: Grouping of policies / Assign the definition to a resource
Analyze Resource Utilization and Consumption
Azure log overview
- Application Logs: Application Logs / Web server diagnostics / Application diagnostics
- Guest OS Diagnostic Logs virtual machine / operating system / applications
- Diagnostic logs:
- Tenant log: Azure Active Directory
- Resource: Azure subscription
- Compute Resource Logs
- Activity Logs: Azure Infrastruture
- Diagnostic logs: Resource
Configure diagnostic settings
Diagnostic logs -> Export -> MOS Log Analytics / Event Hubs / Azure Storage
Baseline for resources
Process / Configuration / Update / Shared
- Configuration Management: DSC(DSC Configuration Script)
Azure Alerts
target, criteria, action
- Signal Types: Metrics (PC) / Events (Storage Logs) / Status(Health) / Notifications (Query)
- Action: Logic app / notification / automation runbook
Azure Monitor: performance counters
Azure Advisor cost
- Eliminate unprovisioned ExpressRoute circuits
- Delete or reconfigure unused virtual network gateways
- Switch to reserved virtual machine instances
- Optimize Virtual Machine Spend
Manage and report on spend:
- Online pricing calculator
- Using billing alert
- Spending Limit
- Cost Analysis
- Azure Advisor:
- idle and underutilized resources
- Use virtual machine reserved instances
Manage Resource Groups
Configure and apply resource locks
- Prevents accidental deletion or modification of resources
- CanNotDelete / ReadOnly
- Lock Hierarchy
Moving resource
- Move resources to a new subscription
- Considerations: Resources are locked during the move
- Subscription Requirements: Subscription Requirements
Move resources across resource groups
- Permissions Required to Move Resources
- Subscription Quotas
- Chunk Down Resources
- Validate the Move Request
- Virtual Machine Limitations
- Cannot move virtual machine scale sets
- Managed Disks Are Now Move Supported
- Virtual Network Considerations
- All resources dependent on the VNet must be moved
- Peered networks must first be un-peered, moved, and re-peered again
Manage Role-Based Access Control (RBAC)
Azure AD Admin Roles vs. RBAC (difference)
- RBAC roles provide access management to Azure resources
- Azure AD roles used to manage Azure AD resources
Type of RBAC Roles:
Owner / Contributor / Reader / User Access Administrator / Built-in roles Custom roles
RBAC Required Permissions:
User Access / Administrator Owner
RBAC Role Assignments:
Security principal (User / Group / Service principal / Identity for an application)
Role definition(Collection of permissions)
Scope: Management group / Subscription / Resource group / Resource
Implement and Manage Storage
Azure Storage overview
Azure Files / Azure Blob / Azure Queue / Azure Table / Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2
- Azure Blob: Unstructured data / streaming / Access from anywhere
- Azure Blob for VHDs: Used for virtual machine disks / Persistent storage
- Azure Files: Shared folder / Net use / Access files via SMB
- Azure Queue Storage: Stores messages / Can be accessed via HTTP or HTTPS / Up to a million message
- Azure Tables: Structured NoSQL / Key attribute store / Schemaless / Azure Cosmos DB
Manage storage access keys
- Store the access keys in a secure location Azure Key Vault
- Use a shared access signature
Types of Shared Access Signatures
- Service SAS: Allows access to only one storage service
- Account SAS: Allows access to any of the storage services
Monitor activity logs using Log Analytics
- Also known as audit logs or operational logs
- Logs are kept for 90 days
Data Sources: Virtual machines / Storage account / Azure Activity Logs / Scope / Configurations (preview) / Azure resources / System Center Operations Manager
Implement Azure Storage replication
- Locally redundant storage (LRS)
- Copy of the data in the same data center
- Three copies
- Zone-redundant storage (ZRS)
- Data is replicated to a data center in a secondary region
- Six copies of the data
- Geo-redundant storage (GRS)
- Data is replicated to a data center in a secondary region
- Data can be read from the replica without Microsoft initiating a failover
- Read-access geo-redundant storage (RA-GRS)
- Data is replicated synchronously across three storage clusters in the same region
- Each cluster is isolated in an availability zone
- Only support on standard and GPv2 storage accounts
Import and Export Data to Azure
Import and export data to and from Azure Storage
- Azure Data Box
- Azure Import: Prepare the Disks
- WAImporatExport Tool
- Unstructured data: Files for distributed access / Log files / Backups / Archives / Data for analysis
- Access objects via HTTP or HTTPS
Container Access:
- Allow access without sharing access keys or shared access signature
- Stored access policy for fine-grained access
Public access level
- Private: No Anonymous Access
- Blob: Anonymous Read Access for Blobs Only
- Container: Anonymous Read Access for Containers and Blobs
Stored Access Policy
- Fine-grained access control
- Change start and expiry / Modify the permissions
- Easier to revoke access to the object
Immutable Blob Storage
- Write once, read many (WORM)
- Data cannot be deleted or modified
- New containers and data can still be added
- Time-based retention
Configure and use Azure Blob Storage using the portal
Create container / Add Stored Access Policy / Add Immutable Blob Storage
Azure Content Delivery Network (CDN)
- CDN Products: Premium Verizon / Standard Verizon / Standard Akamal / Standard Microsoft
- Delivery of large files and media via general web delivery is supported on Microsoft and Verizon only
- CDN POP Configuration: Microsoft recommends creating POP locations based on features, not location
Configure Azure Files
- Company share hosted in the cloud
- File share via SMB 3.0
- Mount on local systems
Mount the file share to our systems that are actually on premises or our virtual machines that are in Azure
Azure File Sync overview
- Components: Storage Sync Service / Sync group / Registered server / Azure File Sync agent
- Sync Group: Cloud endpoint / Server endpoint
- Registered Server
- The server that contains the share to be synced
- Must have the agent installed
- Cloud Tiering
- Frequently accessed (hot) files are cached locally
- Free space is the amount of space reserved on the local system for cached files
- Backup
- Microsoft recommends backing up the cloud share
- If backing up the on-premises server, cloud tiering should be disabled
- Encryption
- Azure File Sync supports
- BitLocker encryption / Azure Information Protection (AIP) / Azure Rights Management (RMS) services / Active Directory RMS
- Azure File Sync supports
Create an Azure File Sync service and sync group
Create sync group / Add server endpoint / Check registered Sync Server
Implement Azure Backup
- Recovery Services vault
- Backup policy
Create and configure a Recovery Services Vault
Recovery Services Vault => Backup Infrastructure(Manage) => Backup Configuration(General) => Locally-redundant(Backup configuration)
Create an Azure virtual machine backup
- Backup frequency
- Retention Range
- Retention of daily backup point
Backup reports:
Restore an Azure virtual machine
- Restore Azure Virtual Machine Options:
- Create a new virtual machine
- Restore disks only
- Replace disks
Deploy and Manage Virtual Machines
Availability set overview
Outage Types
- Planned: Patching / Hardware / Maintenance
- Unplanned: Local network failure / Hard disk
Availability Sets
- VMs are spread across fault and update domains
- Virtual machines must be created within the availability set
Fault Domain
- Servers that share networking and power resources
- Availability sets are spread across fault domains
Update Domain
- Default is 5 update domains up to 20
- All the virtual machines in an update domain will be rebooted together
Managed Disks
- Microsoft recommends using managed disks
- Provides better isolation when combined with availability sets
Unmanaged Disks
- Keep virtual machine OS and data disks in the same storage account
Virtual machine networking overview
Virtual machine networking overview
Bits and Pieces: Network interface / Subnets / IP addresses / Network security groups /Network load balancer
Network Interfaces : Each virtual machine must have at least one NIC
Subnets: Control traffic flow to and from the resources in the subnet
IP Addresses:
- Dynamic: IP address can change / released when the virtual machine is stopped
- Static: IP address is assigned immediately and does not change
Network Security Groups(NSG): Provides network isolation / Rules that deny or allow traffic
- Source IP, source port / Destination IP, destination port
- Network Load Balancer
- Internal Load Balancer: Balances traffic between virtual machines in a VNet
- External Load Balancer: Balances traffic from the Internet to virtual machines
Configure storage
- Operating System Disk / Temporary Disks / Temporary Disks / Data Disks
Deploy and configure scale sets
An application gateway is used for web-based traffic, so it's HTTP, HTTPS, or WebSocket only
A load balancer will be used for stream-based traffic and any of protocols are supported
- Scale based on a metrics
- Scale rules
- Instance limit: min, max, default
Configure diagnostic settings: Tenant logs / Resource logs
You are deploying Azure Scale Sets and you need to allow web-based traffic to the instances. Which load-balancing option should you choose?: Application Gateway
Automate Deployment of Virtual Machines
- Configure location using custom deployment
- Deploy from a template using PowerShell
Manage Virtual Machine Backups
Azure virtual machine backup
Components: Recovery Services vault / Backup policy
Recovery Services vault
- Geo-replication by default
- Backup of multiple virtual machines at once
- Must be in the same location as the virtual machines
Implement and Manage Virtual Networking
Virtual Network Overview
Isolation and segmentation from other virtual networks
- Multiple VNets per region and subscription
- traffic is routed between all subnets in a VNet Network Security Groups & Network Virtual Appliances
Communication between the resources in the network
- Subnets can not overlap
- Use a service endpoint to restrict access to a resource, such as Azure storage
Allows for external communication
- Outbound access is allowed by default / Inbound requires public IP
Filter and Route traffic
- Network Routes / Network Security Groups / Network Virtual Appliances
Connect virtual networks
- Same or different regions / Different subscriptions
Virutal Network Subnet
- Connect VNets in different region and subscriptions / Requires a VNet Gateway / Provides a secure tunnel
- Requires a VNet Gateway
Azure IP addressing overview
Public IP
- Public IP: Connect to the Internet / Connect to other Azure public-facing (Services SQL Databases)
- Public IP Assignments: Virtual machines (Assigned to the primary NIC) / VPN Gateways / Application Gateways / Internet-facing load balancers
- Best Practice
- Microsoft recommends not applying the static IP to the OS of the virtual machine
Private IPs
- Connect to an on-premise environment: VPN Gateway / ExpressRoute / Not accessible to the Internet
- Private IP - Dynamic: May change from reboot to reboot
- Private IP - Static: Assigned when the virtual machine is provisioned / Never released
- Private Static IP Uses: Domain controllers / DNS servers
Create Connectivity between Virtual Networks
Azure virtual network connectivity options:
- VNet Peering Global VNet Peering spans regions
- VNet to VNet Overview
- VPN Gateway is required
- Traffic between the networks is private, never exposed to the Internet
- You can across subscriptions
Configure Name Resolution
Azure provided name resolution / Bring your own DNS / Azure DNS Azure DNS Private Zones (Preview)
Azure DNS
- Provides name resolution within a Azure network
- Replaces managing a DNS server
- Span virtual networks, regions and subscriptions
- Support split-horizon
Create and Configure a Network Security Group
- List of Rules / Allow or Deny Traffic
Applied to
- Subnet — affects all the virtual machines in the subnet
- Network Interface — affects the virtual machine
Default Inbound Security Rules
- AllowVNetInBound / AllowAzureLoadBalancerInBound / DenyAllInBound
Default Outbound Security Rules
- AllowVnetOutbound / AllowInternetOutBound / DenyAllOutBound
Security rules are processed in which order? lowest to highest
Load Balancers and Application Gateways
Implementing Azure Load Balancers
Azure resource / Distribute inbound requests to pools of systems / Check for service health
- How Do Load Balancers Work
- Layer 4 (transport) rules
- Network Address Translation (NAT) rules
- TCP, HTTP, and HTTPS health probes
- The front end: Public IP / private load balancer.
- The back end: Pool of servers / App services / Scale sets
Implementing Azure Application Gateways
- What Is an Application Gateway : Web traffic load balancer
- Operates on OSI Layer 7 (application)
- Route requests based on URI path and host headers
Some Application Gateway Features
- Redirection, multihosting, and URL-based routing
- SSL/TLS termination
- Autoscaling and zone redundancy (Prevent downtime in the case an actual data center fails)
- Session affinity (attach a client to a specific server in the back end)
Web application firewall
Special version of an application gateway / Prevents common exploits of web applications / Detection and prevention modes
Manage Identities
Microsoft Services Using AD
- Single Sign-On for Cloud Apps
- Integrates with On-Premises Server Active Directory
- Synchronize accounts between Server AD and Azure AD
- Password synchronization
- Single sign-on (SSO) via Active Directory Federation Services (AD FS)
Identity Management
- Azure AD Join overview
- Device Management Options: Registering / Joining / Hybrid Azure AD joined