L3 Deploy and Manage Virtual Machines (VMs)
1 Create and configure a VM for Windows and Linux
1-1 Availability Sets
- AS is Microsoft best practice
- Meets SLA
- Virtual machine is distributed across fault and update domains
- Ensure one instance is always available during maintenance
1-2 Availability Zones
- Spread the virtual machine across the separate zones within a region
- Protects from datacenter failure
- Maximum of three zones per region
- Not available in all regions
1-3 Virtual Machine Storage
Virtual machine has a minimum of two disks
- OS: registered as an SATA disk; C drive (C:);
- max capacity is 2,048 GB
- Temp: page or swap files; D drive (D:);
- stores the pagefile.sys;
- data may be lost;
- do not store files on this disk
- OS: registered as an SATA disk; C drive (C:);
Data disks
- Registered as an SCSI disk;
- max capacity is 4,095 GB to a max of 32,767 GB, depending on the virtual machine
1-4 Types of Disks
- Standard HDD
- Cost-effective disks
- Standard SSD
- Recommended for most workloads
- Workloads not requiring high IOPS
- Premium SSD
- Use when running an S series virtual machine
1-5 Managed vs. Unmanaged Disks
- The storage account needs to be managed
- Max IOPS is 20,000 across the storage account
- Use TRIM on standard HDD to delete unused blocks to reduce spend
- The storage account is automatically managed
- Microsoft recommends using managed disks
1-6 Configure Inbound Port Rules
- By default, no traffic can access the virtual machine
- Must select public inbound ports
1-7 Configure Networking
- Every virtual machine must be associated to a VNet
- Default subnet is automatically assigned
- Control access via network security group (NSG) using access control lists (ACLs)
- Open inbound ports: default — all inbound Internet traffic is blocked
1-8 Configure Monitoring
- Enable boot diagnostics
- Enable OS guest diagnostics
- A diagnostic storage account is required
1-9 Configure Virtual Machine
- General purpose
- Compute optimized
- Memory optimized
- Storage optimized
- High-performance compute
1-10 Scale Sets
- Multiple, identical, load-balanced virtual machines
- Manage all the instances as one
- Instances increase or decrease based on workload or schedule
1-11 PowerShell
-ResourceGroupName "YourResourceGroup"
-Name "YourVM"
-Location "East US"
-VirtualNetworkName "YourVnet"
-SubnetName "YourSubnet"
-SecurityGroupName "YourNetworkSecurityGroup"
-PublicIpAddressName "YourPublicIpAddress"
-OpenPorts 80,3389
1-12 Key Points
- Know how to create a virtual machine
- Understand the virtual machine storage and disk options
- Know and recommend the best virtual machine size based on the performance requirement
- Know when and why to use scale sets
2 Automate deployment of VMs
2-1 Create a VM Template from Deployment
- Build the virtual machine
- Review and create the tab
- Download a template for automation
2-2 Create a VM Template
- github
- Azure Template
2-3 Create a Template from scratch
2-4 Basic Json Template
"$schema": "http://schema.management.azure.com/schemas/2015-01-01/deploymentTemplate.json#",
"contentVersion": "",
"parameters": { },
"variables": { },
"functions": [ ],
"resources": [ ],
"outputs": { }
- schema, contentVersion, parameters, variables, functions, resources, outputs
2-5 Configure VHD Template Windows
"imageReference": {
"publisher": "MicrosoftWindowsServer",
"offer": "WindowsServer",
"sku": "2016-Datacenter",
"version": "latest"
2-6 Save Deployment as an ARM Template
- Save when creating the resource
- Save after deployment
- Download, add to the library, or deploy
2-7 Modify Azure Resource Manager Template
Download and modify a template from
- The resource
- During creation
Modify quickstart templates
- Modify an existing template
2-8 Deploy from the Template
- The portal
- Template deployment tool
- Visual Studio Code
- Visual Studio
- PowerShell
2-9 Deploy Virtual Machines from a Template
- Create the resource group
- Create a
file - Create a
file - Create a storage account and container
- Upload the files to the storage account
- Deploy the template
2-10 Deploy the Template
$templatePath = "https://" + $storageName + ".blob.core.windows.net/templates/Template.json"
$parametersPath = "https://" + $storageName + ".blob.core.windows.net/templates/Parameters.json"
New-AzureRmResourceGroupDeployment -ResourceGroupName "myResourceGroup" -Name "myDeployment" -TemplateUri $templatePath -TemplateParameterUri $parametersPath
2-11 Key Points
- Be familiar with the basic template structure
- Know where templates can be acquired
- Know the steps to deploy a template using different methods
3 Manage an Azure VM
3-1 Attach a Data Disk
- Microsoft recommends adding disks to virtual machines
- Number of disks that can be added is dependent on the virtual machine size
- Initialize the disk in the virtual machine
- Use TRIM if using FIDD disks
TRIM will delete the empty disk
3-2 Attach a Data Disk Using PowerShell
$rg = 'yourResourceGroup'
$vm = 'yourVM'
$location = 'East US'
$storageType = 'Premium LRS'
$dataDisk = $vm + '_disk'
$diskConfig = New-AzureRmDiskConfig -SkuName $storageType -Location $location -CreateOption Empty -DiskSizeGB 128
$dataDisk1 = New-AzureRmDisk -DiskName $dataDisk -Disk $diskConfig -ResourceGroupName $rg
$vm = Get-AzureRmVM -Name $vmName -ResourceGroupName $rg
$vm = Add-AzureRmVMDataDisk -VM $vm -Name SdataDisk -CreateOption Attach -ManagedDiskId $dataDiskl.Id -Lun 1
Update-AzureRmVM -VM $vm -ResourceGroupName $rg
3-3 Add Network Interface
- A virtual machine must have one network interface card (NIC)
Multiple NICs
are available depending on the virtual machine- The NIC must be in the same location and subscription as the virtual machine
3-4 PowerShell Desired State Configuration
- Ensures the virtual machine always has the desired configuration
- Provides management of the virtual machine
- No snowflakes (They dont become special)
- Doesn't not require an agent
configuration IISInstall
node "localhost"
WindowsFeature IIS {
Ensure = "Present"
Name = "Web-Server"
Exam: You should be familiar with the basic configuration of desired state configuration
3-5 Use Custom Script Extensions
- Postdeployment and management tasks
- ARM templates
- PowerShell
3-6 Change a Virtual Machine Size
- The virtual machine may have to be deallocated
- Select an S version for Premium Storage if already using Premium Storage
- For example, DS2 v2
3-8 Moving Resources
Resources are locked during the move
- Cannot add, update, or delete the resource while the resource is being moved
- Applications using the resource will still be available
The location of the resource does not change
Not all resources can be moved
Moving resources can be tested prior to actual move to determine if the resource can be moved
3-9 Subscription Requirements
Different subscriptions
- Must exist in the same Azure Active Directory tenant
Resource provider must be registered for the destination subscription
must be registered for a virtual machine
If we were moving a virtual machine, the
must be registered in the destination subscription for that virtual machine
3-10 Permissions Required
- Source resource group Microsoft.
- Destination resource group
3-11 Redeploy Virtual Machines
- Unable to connect to the virtual machine
- Virtual machine is shut down and is moved to a new node and restarted
- **Dynamic IP will be updated **
- Portal or PowerShell
Set-AzureRmVM -Redeploy -ResourceGroupName "ResourceGroup" -Name "VM"
3-12 Key Points
- Understand the implications of moving resources
- Know the requirements to move resources
- Know why a virtual machine would need to be redeployed
- Know why and how to attach a data disk
4 Manage VM backups
4-11 Configure the Virtual Machine Backup
- Backup can be configured from the virtual machine blade
- Bulk configuration can be configured from the Recovery Services vault
- Can be configured when creating the virtual machine
4-12 Create a Backup policy
- Azure virtual machine can only be backed up once a day
- Frequency is either weekly or daily
- Configure additional retention points (For weekly, monthly or yearly backup)
There are 2 options for restoring a VMs, create a new VM or replace existing virtual Machine
4-13 Restore to a New Virtual Machine
- Restored virtual machine will not overwrite the existing virtual machine
- Additional customizations will require PowerShell
4-14 Restoire Disks
In addition to restoring the entire VM, there is also option to restore the disks only
- Restore special network customizations
- New disks will be created in the selected storage account
- Additional customizations will require PowerShell
4-15 Replace Existing Virtual Machine
You really can't replace the existing virtual machine,
- Only option is Replace Disk(s)
- Replaces the disks in the existing virtual machine
- The virtual machine must still exist
4-16 Restore Files from Azure Virtual Machine Backup
- Download a script and password onto the system where the files are to be restored to a local machine or Azure virtual machine
- The script mounts the disk
- Copy the files that need to be restored to the local system
- Unmount the disks; automatically unmount after 12 hours
4-17 Key Points
- Know how to create a backup policy
- Understand the limitations of the backup policy
- Know when to restore a full virtual machine vs. disks only
- Practice restoring virtual machines and files