
L1 Manage Azure Subscriptions and Resources

1 The new Azure exams and certifications

1-1 Az-103 Azure Administrator

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1-2 Exam Question Format

  • Technical Scenario

"You're an administor"

  • Requirments or Problem Statement

"The virtual machine must"

  • Goal Statement

"You must/need ..."

  • Question Statement

"What do you need to do"

1-2 Exam Overview

  • 40-60 questions

Answer all of the questions, no penalty for guessing

  • 180 minutes-150 minutes for the exam

  • Variety of question types

    • Performance based and drag and drop
  • Case studies

2 Manage Azure subscriptions

2-1 Enterprise level breaking down

  • Broken down into departments
  • Break departments down by location
  • Break departments down by function

departments -> accountts -> subscriptions -> Azure Resources

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2-2 Administrator Roles

  • Classic (deprecated)
  • Azure role-based access control (RBAC)
  • Azure Active Directory (AD) (administrative roles)

2-3 Role-based Access Contorl (RBAC)

  • 70 built-in roles
  • User Access Administrator
  • Custom roles

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Exam: Should be aware of how to create a custom role

2-4 Top Three RBAC Roles

  • Owner: Full access to all resources

  • Contributor: Cannot delegate access to other users but can create and manage resources

  • Reader: View Azure resources only

2-5 Assign RBAC Administrative Permissions

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  • Do at the subscription level.
  • Select the role (Owner, Contributor, Reader or 70 built-in roles)
  • Assign access to Azure AD user, group, or application
  • Select user

2-6 User Access Administor

Special account that allows you access to all the Azure resources at the root scope

  • Special account
  • Privilege at the root scope (/)
  • Temporary access only (recommended)
  • Azure AD, not subscription

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Properties => Access Management for Azure resources

2-7 Configure Cost Center Quotas (Exam)

Subscription level => Usage & Quotas => Current usage of resources

2-8 Resource Tags

  • Sort resources based on tag
  • Name and value
    • Finance: Production;
    • Finance: Dev
  • Fifteen tags per resource
  • Write access is required to apply tags to a resource

2-9 Apply tags using PowerShell by simply using the command line

Color Formatting - HTML

# Apply tags to a Resource without tags 
Set-AzureRmResourceGroup -Name RGName -Tag @{ Dept "IT"; Environment "Prod" } 

# Remove Tags from a resource group 
Set-AzureRmResourceGroup -Tag @{} -Name RGName 

2-10 Azure Policies

  • Set of rules to ensure compliancy
  • Scan resources and provide reporting
  • Used to ensure SLAs and corporate policies are met
  • Applied to subscriptions and resources

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2-11 Azure Policy Assignment Options

  • Policy: Individual polices

  • Initiative: Groups of individual polices

2-12 Three components of policy (Policy & Initiative)

1. Policy and Initiative Definition

Conditions that the policy or initiative will report on and enforce if configured to do so

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2.Policy and Initiative Assignment

  • Applying the initiative or policy to a scope
  • Assignments are inherited by all child resources

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3.Policy and Initiative Parameter

  • Reduce the number of definitions
  • Use generic values
  • Example: locations allowed

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2-13 Key Points

  • Know where to enable the User Access Administrator (Temporary access only (recommended))
  • Understand the components of a policy
    • Policy: Individual polices
    • Initiative: Groups of individual polices
    • Policy and Initiative Definition
    • Policy and Initiative Assignment
    • Policy and Initiative Parameter
  • Know how to use tags for reporting
    • Fifteen tags per resource
  • Be familiar with RBAC and how it is used to control access to Azure resources

3. Analyze resource utilization

3-1 Configure Diagnostic Settings on Resources

  • Diagnostic logs

    • Tenant logs
    • Resource logs/span>
  • Can be enabled via the resource or in the Azure Monitor

  • Data can be
    • archived to a storage account
    • Streamed to an event hub
    • Sent to Log Analytics

3-2 PowerShell

# Archive to a Storage Account 
Set-AzureRmDiagnosticSetting -ResourceId [resource id] -StorageAccountId [storage account id] -Enabled $true 

# Stream to an Event Hub 
Set-AzureRmDiagnosticSetting -ResourceId [resource id] -ServiceBusRuleId [Service Bus rule id] -Enabled $true 

# Send to Log Analytics 
Set-AzureRmDiagnosticSetting ResourceId [resource id] -WorkspaceId [resource id of the Log workspace] -Enabled $true 

3-3 Create Baseline for Resources

  • Dynamic threshold alerts

    • Set in the Azure Monitor
    • Limited public preview
  • Desired State Configuration (DSC) Ensure that your servers stay within scope

    • Portal
    • PowerShell

3-4 DSC Configuration Script

configuration IISInstall 
    node "localhost" { 
        WindowsFeature IIS 
        Ensure = "Present" 
        Name   = "Web-Server"

3-5 Alerts

  • Send notification of changes in the environment
  • Create alerts for
    • Metric values
    • Log search queries
    • Activity Log events
    • Health of the Azure platform
    • Website availability

3-6 Alerts rules components

  • Target resource — Azure resource
  • Signal - metrics, activity log, application insights, or a log
  • Criteria - combination of signal and logic

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3-7 Analyze Alerts and Metrics Across Subscriptions

  • Azure Monitor
  • Provide a better unified experience

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3-8 Create Action Group (AWS SNS Subscription)

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Action Group are used specify:

  • Notification preferences
  • Triggered by an alert
  • Name
  • Action type
  • Details

3-9 Action Group Types

  • Email/SMS/Push/Voice
    • SMS / 5minuttes
    • Voice / 5minuttes
    • Email 100 an hour
  • Azure Function
  • Logic App
  • Webhook
  • ITSM
  • Automation Runbook

3-10 Report on Spend

  • Cost management and billing (preview)

    • Organization billing and individual billing
  • Cost analysis

    • Filter costs by subscription, resource, date, or tag Download Usage Report.csv
  • Invoices

    • Download invoices and view costs by service

3-11 Azure Advisor

  • Identifies idle and underutilized resources
  • Resizes or shuts down underutilized virtual machines
  • Eliminates ExpressRoute circuits with a status of Not Provisioned for more than one month

3-12 Utilize Log Search Query Functions

  • Azure Monitor
  • Provide insights based on the data

3-13 Key Points

  • Know how to create a log search query
  • Know how to create an alert
  • Know how to create an action group
  • Understand how often notifications are sent to an action group

4 Manage resource groups

4-1 Create Action Group

  • Resource policies can be applied to the resource group
  • Policy then only applies to the resource group, not the entire subscription

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4-2 Resouce Lock

  • Controls access
  • Prevents accidental deletion or modification of resources
  • The lock can be applied:
    • Subscription
    • Resource group
    • Resource

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4-3 Types of Locks

  • CanNotDelete

Read and modify but not delete a resource

  • ReadOnly

Read but not modify, delete, or update a resource Can lead to unexpected results

When you use a ReadOnly lock, it can lead to unexpected results when applied to some resources because the resource itself may need additional actions to function.

4-4 Lock Hierarchy

  • Parent-child relationship

    • Locks applied at the parent scope affect all resources within that scope
    • Most restrictive lock takes precedence

4-5 Permissions Required to Apply a Lock

  • Microsoft.Authorization/*
  • MicrosoftAuthorization/locks/*
  • Owner
  • User Access Administrator

4-6 Locks Using PowerShell

# Lock a Resource Group 
New-AzureRmResourceLock -LockName NoDelete -LockLevel CanNotDelete -LockNotes "Can not Delete Resources" -ResourceGroupName 'AZ-100' 

# View All Locks in Subscription and Resource Group 
Get-AzureRmResourceLock -ResourceGroupName 'AZ-100' 

# Delete a Lock 
Remove-AzureRmResourceLock -LockName NoDelete -ResourceGroupName 'AZ-100' 

4-7 Moving Resource to Another Resource Group

  • The location of the resource does not change
  • Not all resources can be moved
  • Resources are locked during the move

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4-8 Moving Resource to Another Subscription

  • Must exist in the same Azure Active Directory tenant (transfer ownership or add a new Azure subscription)
  • Resource provider must be registered for the destination subscription
  • Check to ensure you will not exceed subscription quotas

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4-9 Permissions Required to Move Resources

  • Source resource group


  • Destination resource group


4-10 Move Resources to Resource Group

# Move Resources to Another Resource Group 

Move-AzureRmResource -DestinationResourceGroupName "NewRGPS" - ResourceId "/subscriptions/81XXXXXXX/resourceGroups/MARGPS/ providers/Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/az100vnet" 

4-11 Remove Resource Group

  • Removes all resources in the resource group
  • Some resources need to be manually removed before the resource group can be deleted

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**4-12 Remove Using PowerShell **

#Remove a Resource Group 
Remove-AzureRmResourceGroup -Name ResourceGroup 

4-13 Key Points

  • Azure policies can be applied to the resource group level instead of the subscription level
    • Policy then only applies to the resource group, not the entire subscription
  • Know the permissions required to move a resource group
  • Understand the relationship between resources when applying locks
  • Know that applying a read-only lock may have unforeseen consequences

5 Manage role-based access control

5-1 RBAC Role

  • Azure Active Directory(top level).
  • Azure Active Directory manage Users and Groups and assign our Azure Administrative Roles.

  • RBAC Roles(subscription level)

    • Each subscription contains Resource Groups and Resources.
    • Your RBAC Roles can be assigned to any of those levels.

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5-2 Azure AD Admin Roles vs. RBAC (difference)

  • RBAC roles provide access management to Azure resources
  • Azure AD roles used to manage Azure AD resources
    • Manage users
    • Assign admin roles
    • Reset passwords
    • Manage licenses
    • Manage domains

5-3 Type of RBAC Roles

  • Owner
  • Contributor
  • Reader
  • User Access Administrator
  • Built-in roles
  • Custom roles

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5-4 RBAC Required Permissions

  • Microsoft.Authorization/roleAssignments/write
  • Microsoft.Authorization/roleAssignments/delete
    • User Access
    • Administrator Owner

5-5 Before Assigning Access

  • Who needs access to the resource?
  • What permissions do they really need?
  • What resource does access need to be granted to?

5-6 RBAC Role Assignments

  • Security principal

    • Who or what needs access
  • Role definition

    • Collection of permissions
  • Scope

    • Boundary of the access
    • What resource is this going to apply to

5-7 Security Principal (Who or what needs access)

  • User
  • Group
  • Service principal
    • Identity for an application
  • Managed identity
    • Cloud apps that need to authenticate to Azure AD

5-8 Role definition (permissions)

  • Actions
  • Not actions

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5-9 Scope

  • Management group
  • Subscription
  • Resource group
  • Resource
  • Parent-child relationship — Roles are inherited

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5-10 Putting it together

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