L6 Load Balancers and Application Gateways
1. Implementing Azure Load Balancers
1-1 Load balancer overview
1. What Is a Load Balancer
- Azure resource
- Distribute inbound requests to pools of systems
- Check for service health
2. How Do Load Balancers Work?
- Front-end and back-end
- Layer 4 (transport) rules
- Network Address Translation (NAT) rules
- Basic and standard SKUs
TCP, HTTP, and HTTPS health probes
3. The front end
- Public IP
- Private Azure IP that could be used as a private load balancer.
4. The back end(Receive the requests from the client)
- Pool of servers,
- App services
- Scale sets
6. Set of layer 4 (transport) rules which the load balancer uses to decide to which servers those requests should be sent to
7. Network Address Translation rules let the load balancer decide when a request is sent to a specific port, if it should be sent to one of the servers specifically in the back end.
8. HTTPS health probes to check if the back end servers are up and running or if they should be not used for traffic redirection
9. Load-Balanced Communication
1-2 External and internal load balancers
1. External load balancers
- Maps public IP address and ports to internal tagrets
- Applies load balancing rules
- Uses Port Address Translation(PAT)
- Typically used for websites and similar services
- ELB will receive communications from the different clients that are on the internet, and send those requests to internal targets like a web server, or a scale set.
- Port Address Translation which lets the load balancer modify the port where the client is connecting.
- So on the external side where the load balancer has the public IP address, it could be receiving connections to the Port 80 but then those connections could be re-sent to the Port 8080 on the back-end.
2. Internal Load Balancers
- Directs traffic only between internal resources
- There is no outgoing IP address translation
- Typical uses include
- Connections between virtual machines (VMs) in the same virtual network (vnet)
- Multitier applications
1-3 Configure a load balancer front-end
Add frontend IP Address
1-4 Configure a load balancer back-end
- Availability Set
- Single Virtual Machine
- Virtual Machine scale set
1-5 Configure a load balancer health probe
health probe used to check if the backend pools are working correctly
1-6 Configure load balancing rules
forend Port => Backend Port
1-7 Configure NAT port-forwarding rules
Add inbound NAT rule
- Protocol
- Port: 3389
- Target virtual machine
- Network Ip configuration
1-8 Create a load balancer using PowerShell
$RG = New-AzResourceGroup -ResourceGroupName "LoadBalancer-RG" -Location "WestUS"
$IP = New-AzPublicIpAddress -ResourceGroupName "LoadBalancer-RG" -Location "WestUS" -Name "LoadBalancerPubIP"
$frontEnd = New-AzLoadBalancerFrontendlpConfig -Name "FrontEnd1" -PubliclPAddress $IP
$backEnd New-AzLoadBalancer8ackendAddressPoolConfig -Name "BackEnd1"
$healthProbe New-AzLoadBalancerProbeConfig -Name "HTTP-Probe" `
-RequestPath "/" -Protocol HTTP -Port 80 -IntervalInSeconds 30 -ProbeCount 2
$loadbBalancerRule = Now-AzLoadBalancerRuleConfig -Name "LBRulel" `
-FrontendlpConfiguration $frontEnd -BackendAddressPool $backEnd `
-Protocol TCP -FrontendPort 80 -BackendPort 80 -Probe $healthProbe
$LoadBalancer = New-AzLoadBalancer -Name "PS-LoadBalancer" -ResourceGroupName "LoadBalancer-RG" -Location "WestUS" `
-FrontEndIpConfiguration $frontEnd -BackendAddressPool $backEnd -Probe $healthProbe -LoadBalancingRule $loadbBalancerRule
1-9 Configure a load balancer using PowerShell
$loadBalancer = get-azloadbalancer -Name "PS-Loadbalancer"
$backend = Get-AzLoadBalancerBackendAddressPoolConfig -Name "BackEnd1" -LoadBalancer $loadBalancer
$loadBalancer | Add-AzLoadBalancerInboundNatRuleConfig -Name "RemoteDesktopVMlRule" `
-FrontendIpConfiguration $loadBalancer.FrontendIpConfigurations[0] -Protocol "Tcp" `
-FrontendPort 33890 -BackendPort 3389
$availabilitySet = Get-AzAvailabilitySet -ResourceGroupName "IIS-ScaleSet-RG" -Name "Availability1"
ForEach ($vm in $availabilitySet.VirtualMachinesReferences) {
$networkInterface = Get-AzNetworklnterface | Where-Object {$_.VirtualMachine.id - like $vm.id}
$networkInterface.IpConfigurations[0].LoadBalancerBackendAddressPools = $backend
Set-AzNetworkInterface -NetworkInterface $networkInterface
$loadBalancer | Set-AzLoadBalancer
$loadBalancer | Remove-AzLoadBalancer
2. Implementing Azure Application Gateways
2-1 Application gateway overview
1. What Is an Application Gateway?
- Web traffic load balancer
- Operates on OSI Layer 7 (application)
- Which means they understand the packets that go from the clients to the servers. And they see, for example, the URL paths that they are using
- Route requests based on URI path and host headers
2. Some Application Gateway Features
- Redirection, multihosting, and URL-based routing
- Also multihosting and URL-based routing, in case an Application Gateway is hosting more than a single website
- SSL/TLS termination
- Autoscaling and zone redundancy (Prevent downtime in the case an actual data center fails)
- Session affinity (attach a client to a specific server in the back end)
- AKS ingress controller (In the case you are using Kubernetes in your deployments)
2-2 Create an application gateway using the portal
- Stanard1 WAF1
- Stanard2 WAF2
- FrontEnds
- Routing Rules
- Backend pools
2-3 Implement an application gateway IP configuration
1. AppGW - Configuration
- Maximum: 125 instances
- The cookie based afinity: Which means all of the clients that come with the same cookie will be directed to the same servers.
- Connection draining: Prevent that servers are keeping certain connections open for too long.
- Enable or disable HTTPS and use it for the app service
- The time out for the connections and the back in path, in case one connection comes from a specific port.
2-4 Configure an application gateway backend pool
- Ip address or hostname
- Virtual Machine
- App services
2-5 Configure an application gateway listener
Enable SSL
2-6 Configure an application gateway health probe
2-7 Configure application gateway routing rules
2-8 Create an application gateway using PowerShell
$vnet = Get-AzVirtualNetwork -Name "ScaleSet-Vnet" -ResourceGroupName "IIS-ScaleSet-RG"
$subnet = Get-AzVirtualNetworkSubnetConfig -Name "AppGW-subnet" -VirtualNetwork $vnet
$VMinterface1 = Get-AzNetworklnterface -ResourceGroupName "IIS-ScaleSet-RG" -Name "vm1338"
$VMinterface1IP = $VMinterface1.IpConfigurations[0].PrivateIpAddress
$VMinterface2 = Get-AzNetworkInterface -ResourceGroupName "IIS-ScaleSet-RG" -Name "vm2683"
$VMinterface2IP = $VMinterface2.IpConfigurations[0].PrivateIpAddress
$RG = New-AzResourceGroup -ResourceGroupName "AppGW-RG" -Location "WestUS"
$IP = New-AzPublicIpAddress -ResourceGroupName "AppGW-RG" -Location "WestUS" -Name "AppGW-PIP"
$internalIP = New-AzApplicationGatewayIPConfiguration -Name "internalIP" -Subnet $subnet
$frontend = New-AzApplicationGatewayFrontendIPConfig -Name "Frontend1" -PublicIPAddress $IP
$frontendPort = New-AzApplicationGatewayFrontendPort -Name "FrontendPort1" -Port 80
$backend = New-AzApplicationGatewayBackendAddressPool -Name "Backend1" -BackendIPAddresses $VMinterface1IP, $VMinterface2IP
$backendSettings = New-AzApplicationGatewayBackendkttpSetting -Name "backendlSettings" `
-Port 80 -Protocol Http -CookieBasedAffinity Disabled -RequestTimeout 60
$listener = New-AzApplicationGatewayHttpListener -Name "listener1" -Protocol HTTP `
-FrontendIPConfiguration $frontend -FrontendPort $frontendPort
$frontendRule = New-AzApplicationGatewayRequestRoutingRule -Name "rule1" -RuleType Basic `
HttpListener $listener -BackendAddressPool $backend -BackendHttpSettings $backendSettings
$appGatewaySKU = New-AzApplicationGatewaySku -Name Standard_v2 -Tier Standard_v2 -Capacity 2
$appGateway = New-AzApplicationGateway -Name "PS-AppGW" -ResourceGroupName "AppGW-RG" -Location "WestUS" `
-FrontEndIpConfiguration $frontEnd -FrontendPorts $frontendPort -RequestRoutingRules $frontendRule `
-GatewaylPConfigurations $internalIP -BackendAddressPool $backEnd -HttpListeners $listener -Sku $appGatewaySKU -backendhttpsettingscollection $backendsettings
2-9 Configure an application gateway using PowerShell
$appGw = Get-AzApplicationGateway -Name "PS-AppGW"
$appGw | Add-AzApplicatiomGatewayProbeConfig -Name "probel" -Protocol Http `
-PickHostNameFromeackendHttp5ettings -Path "/" -UnhealthyThreshold S -Interval 60 -Timeout 60
$appGw | Set-AzApplicationGatewaySku -Name Standard_v2 -Tier Standard_v2
$appGw | Set-AzApplicationGatewayAutoscaleConfiguration -MinCapacity 3 -MaxCapacity 15
$appGw | Set-AzApplicationGateway
2-10 Web application firewall overview
What Is a Web Application Firewall?
- Special version of an application gateway
- Prevents common exploits of web applications
- Based on OWASP (Open Web Application Security Project) core rule sets
- Detection and prevention modes
2-11 Configure a web application firewall
2-12 Configure a web application firewall using PowerShell
$appGw = Get-AzApplicationGateway -Name "PS-AppGW"
$appGw | Set-AzApplicationGatewaySku -Name WAF_v2 -Tier WAF_v2
Set-AzApplicationGatewayWebApplicationFirewallConfiguration -ApplicationGateway $appGw `
-Enabled $true -FirewallMode "Detection" -RuleSetType "OWASP" -RuleSetVersion "3.0"
$appGw | Set-AzApplicationGateway