L8 [Exercise] Redshift Spectrum
Make sure
- AWS Glue run successfully and generate glue database and table
- Redshift, glue and S3 located in same region like athena
1、Create Redshift
Rather than copy data from S3 to Redshift directly, we will set Redshift Spectrum on AWS glue, it can expose my S3 data to redshift spectrum
- Type: dc2.large
- Cluster identifier: cadabra
- Master user name: awsuser
- Master user password: password
1-1 Create IAM role for Redshift
- Name: RedshiftSpectrum
- Policy:
- AmazonS3ReadOnlyAccess
- AWSGlueConsoleFullAccess
Copy ARN:arn:aws:iam::...:role/RedshiftSpectrum
1-2 Enter IAM ARN
1-3 Use default
configuration otherwise
- Database name: dev
Create Redshift
2、Create Redshift schema from glue
2-1 Connect to Redshift
create external schema orderlog_schema from data catalog
database 'orderlogs'
iam_role 'arn:aws:iam:...:role/RedshiftSpectrum'
region 'us-east-2'
- glue database: orderlogs
SELECT description,
FROM orderlog_schema.glue_orderlogs
WHERE country='France'
AND year='2020'
AND month='02'