
L3 Hands on S3

1、S3 Storage Classes Hands on

Storage Classes

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Initiate restore

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2、S3 Lifecycle Rules Hands on

Life rule actions

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Timeline summary

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3、S3 Versioning - Hands on

Enable S3 Versioning

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Delete object firstly

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Add Delete marker to object

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Permantely delete

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3、S3 Replication - Hands on

Enable Replication rule and Replication Destination

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4、S3 Encryption - Hands on

Object Encryption SSE-S3 & SSE-KMS

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Bucket Encryption SSE-S3 & SSE-KMS

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4、S3 Security & Bucket Policies - Hands on

Add Bucket policy conditions

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5、S3 Events Notification - Hands on

5-1 Add upload events

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5-2 Add upload events

Send Notification to SQS queue

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Also need add policy to SQS enable the notification

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