L7 MSK Managed Streaming for Apache Kafka (Amazon MSK)
1、MSK Managed Streaming for Apache Kafka
- Alternative to Kinesis (Kafka vs Kinesis next lecture)
Fully managed Apache Kafka on AWS
- Allow you to create, update, delete clusters
- MSK creates & manages Kafka brokers nodes & Zookeeper nodes for you
- Deploy the MSK cluster in yourVPC, multi-AZ (up to 3 for HA)
- Automatic recovery from common Apache Kafka failures
- Data is stored on EBS volumes
You can build producers and consumers of data
- Can create custom configurations for your clusters
- Default message size of 1 MB
- Possibilities of sending large messages (ex: 10MB) into Kafka after custom configuration
1-1 Apache Kafka at High Level
- Your responsibilityjis to create your own producers so you write your own code and these producers run the code pull data from data like IoT
- Producer get data and write to Kafka topic. You write the data to your main broker, then the leader broker then is going to be replicated to follower brokers
- Once it's fully replicated its going to be available for a consumer to be your code pull and read from that topic and receive the data.
1-2 MSK — Configurations
- Choose the number of AZ (3 — recommended, or 2)
- Choose the VPC & Subnets
- The broker instance type (ex: kafka.m5.1arge)
- The number of brokers per AZ (can add brokers later)
- Size of your EBS volumes (1GB — 16TB)
1-3 MSK — Security
- Optional in-flight using TLS between the brokers
- Optional in-flight with TLS between the clients and brokers
- At rest for your EBS volumes using KMS
Network Security:
- Authorize specific security groups for your Apache Kafka clients
Authentication & Authorization (important):
- Define who can read/write to which topics
- Mutual TLS (AuthN) + Kafka ACLs (AuthZ)
- SASL/SCRAM (AuthN) + Kafka ACLs (AuthZ)
- IAM Access Control (AuthN AuthZ)
1-4 MSK — Monitoring
CloudWatch Metrics
- Basic monitoring (cluster and broker metrics)
- Enhanced monitoring (++enhanced broker metrics)
- Topic-level monitoring (++enhanced topic-level metrics)
Prometheus (Open-Source Monitoring)
- Opens a port on the broker to export cluster, broker and topic-level metrics
- Setup the JMX Exporter (metrics) or Node Exporter (CPU and disk metrics)
Broker Log Delivery
- Delivery to CloudWatch Logs
- Delivery to Amazon S3
- Delivery to Kinesis Data Streams
1-5 MSK Override Kafka Configurations
- List of properties you can set:
Important to note:
Max message size in Kakfa by default is 1 MB bnicvelytes)
- Can override this with the broter message.max.bytes settings
- Must also change the consumer max.fetch.bytes setting
- By default ifs low in Kafka 10-40ms (way less than Kinesis)
- The producer can increase latency to increase hatching using linge.rms
2、Kinesis VS MSK
2-1 Kinesis Data Streams
- 1MB message size limit
- Data Streams with Shards
- Shard Spitting & Verging
- TLS In-flight encryption
- KMS At-rest encryption
- Security:
- IAM policies for AuthN/Auth/
2-2 Amazon MSK
- 1MB, default, configure for higher (ex: 1OMB)
- Kafka Topics with Partitions
- Can only add partitions to a topic
- PLAINTEXT or TLS In-flight Encryption
- KMS At-rest encryption
- Security:
- Mutual MS (AuthN) + KafKa ACLs(AuthZ)
- SASL/SCARM (AuthN) + Kafka ACLs (Auth7)
- IAM Access Control (AuthN + AuthZ)