
L2 [Exercise] Kinesis Firehose (PurchaseLogs/OrderLogs)

1、Part One [Create Kinesis Firehose delivery streams]

Continously collect, transform, and load streaming data into destinations such as Amazon S3 and Amazon Redshift.

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  • Delivery stream name: PurchaseLogs
  • Source: Direct PUT or other sources

Choose this option to send records directly to the delivery stream, or to send records from AWS IoT, CloudWatch Logs, or CloudWatch Events.

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1-1 Choose a destination

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  • S3 name: kin-orderlogs
  • Region: US-EAST-1

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1-2 Configure settings

Configure buffer, compression, logging, and IAM role settings for your delivery stream

S3 buffer conditions:

Firehose buffers incoming records before delivering them to your S3 bucket. Record delivery will be triggered once either of these conditions has been satisfied

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  • Enter a buffer size between 1-128 MB: 5
  • Enter a buffer interval between 60-900 seconds: 60S (NEAR REAL TIME)

Permissions IAM role:

Default IAM role name with default policy: firehose_delivery_role

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2、Part two [Create EC2 and attach policy]

2-1 Step 1: Choose an Amazon Machine Image (AMI)

Launch Amazon Linux AMI not the Linux 2 AMI because this comes with more AWS tools pre installed for us it makes life a little bit easier.

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Type: T2 micro

2-2 Step 2: Configure Network and Auto assign public ip for it

2-3 Step 3: Create New key pair and download

Keypair Name: JamData

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2-4 Step 4: Connect to Your Linux Instance using an SSH Client

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$ chmod 400 JamData.pem
$ ssh -i "JamData.pem" ec2-user@
The authenticity of host ' (' can't be established.
ECDSA key fingerprint is SHA256:4DO4XuWMGeQKE4n7svfHr2T1wpGBQZu3DVurDchYPC8.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes
Warning: Permanently added '' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.

       __|  __|_  )
       _|  (     /   Amazon Linux AMI

16 package(s) needed for security, out of 32 available
Run "sudo yum update" to apply all updates.
-bash: warning: setlocale: LC_CTYPE: cannot change locale (UTF-8): No such file or directory
[ec2-user@ip-172-16-1-121 ~]$

2-5 Step 5: Assign IAM role for it

  • Create new role attach to to instance EC2AdminAccess with full adminpolicy

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  • rolenameEC2AdminAccess
  • Attach iam role to the EC2 instance

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3、Part Three [Enable Kinesis on EC2 instance]

3-1 Step 1: Install aws-kinesis-agent

$ sudo yum install -y aws-kinesis-agent

3-2 Step 2: Make use of LogGenerator

wget http://media.sundog-soft.com/AWSBigData/LogGenerator.zip
unzip LogGenerator.zip
chmod a+x LogGenerator.py

/var/log/cadabra/ The log will locate in this place from the code

sudo mkdir /var/log/cadabra/

3-3 Step 3: Change agent.json for aws-kinesis-agent

$ cd /etc/aws-kinesis
$ sudo vi agent.json

  "cloudwatch.emitMetrics": true,
  "kinesis.endpoint": "",
  "firehose.endpoint": "firehose.us-east-1.amazonaws.com",

  "flows": [
      "filePattern": "/var/log/cadabra/*.log",
      "deliveryStream": "PurchaseLogs"
  • firehose.endpoint: "firehose:us-east-1.amazonaws.com"
  • filePattern: "/var/log/cadabra/*.log"
  • deliveryStream:"PurchaseLogs"

3-4 Step 4: Start aws-kinesis-agent

$ sudo service aws-kinesis-agent start
aws-kinesis-agent startup                                  [  OK  ]
$ sudo chkconfig aws-kinesis-agent on

3-5 Step 5: Run the code and generate logs

$ cd
$ sudo ./LogGenerator.py 500000
Writing 500000 lines starting at line 0

Wrote 500000 lines.

# check logs
$ cd /var/log/cadabra/
$ ls

$ tail -f /var/log/aws-kinesis-agent/aws-kinesis-agent.log
2020-01-11 10:11:17.036+0000 localhost (Agent.MetricsEmitter RUNNING) com.amazon.kinesis.streaming.agent.Agent [INFO] Agent: Progress: 152501 records parsed (16777082 bytes), and 50056 records sent successfully to destinations. Uptime: 120032ms
2020-01-11 10:11:17.036+0000 localhost (Agent.MetricsEmitter RUNNING) com.amazon.kinesis.streaming.agent.Agent [INFO] Agent: Tailing is 27.924805 MB (29281475 bytes) behind.
2020-01-11 10:12:17.036+0000 localhost (Agent.MetricsEmitter RUNNING) com.amazon.kinesis.streaming.agent.Agent [INFO] Agent: Progress: 304001 records parsed (29359855 bytes), and 218094 records sent successfully to destinations. Uptime: 180032ms
2020-01-11 10:16:17.035+0000 localhost (FileTailer[fh:PurchaseLogs:/var/log/cadabra/*.log].MetricsEmitter RUNNING) com.amazon.kinesis.streaming.agent.tailing.FileTailer [INFO] FileTailer[fh:PurchaseLogs:/var/log/cadabra/*.log]: Tailer Progress: Tailer has parsed 500000 records (42036691 bytes), transformed 0 records, skipped 0 records, and has successfully sent 499500 records to destination.
2020-01-11 10:16:17.035+0000 localhost (Agent.MetricsEmitter RUNNING) com.amazon.kinesis.streaming.agent.Agent [INFO] Agent: Progress: 500000 records parsed (42036691 bytes), and 499500 records sent successfully to destinations. Uptime: 420032ms

3-6 Step 6: Check S3 and Kinese Firehose delivery streams

S3 logs pushed in

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Firehose delivery streams cloudwatch

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